Raising the Bar

raisinghelen said:
Rare was actually second party as Nintendo owned 49% of the company.

If only third party developers could just copy the Nintendo formula. Even if they copied Capcoms it would be a start, they make original titles, when they port games they do ones that were actually good to start with and can benefit from the switch to the Wii (im really looking forward to Okami) unlike most other developers.

Hopefully the financial opportunities on the Wii combined with the quality of games such as SMG and MP3 will make some developers want to up their quality too and produce something really stunning.

I think the main problem with most game developers (not counting Capcom and Nintendo), none of them are willing to put that much time and money into 1 game. Most developers (like EA) will tend to release 4 games instead of 1. This way they can put out more games and don't have to worry about having 1 of them flop (as where if Capcom's next game flops, they would have a lot to worry about).

There's actually not much that we can do, mainly because I've thought that the quality of gaming as degraded over the last 10 years. Games continue to get more repetitive and don't try to make anything new (let's make 90% of our games a FPS :cryin: ) My only hope for quality games is from Nintendo and every so often another game developer re-releases a classic.
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Well youngblood I can only agree with that.

Altough personally I look forward to mohh2 a lot! I cant wait till its released.

But I do think a lot of nintendo's games are hyped. The important ones that is. SSBB is one of those titles like you said. It really isnt really innovating but still half the world is waiting for it and calling it the best game ever!

But a lot of 3rd party games blow ;)
Third Party games and support will come with the new year.
Seriously I am excited for those games, like Fragile and Monster Hunter and this one game called Obscure The Aftermath. As well as Disaster Day Of Crisis.

I think by the middle of 08 near the latter part of it, we will see really good third party games, along with Nintendo's hits that have not yet come out, so its a nice one two punch..hopefully :D
largedarry said:
I think the main problem with most game developers (not counting Capcom and Nintendo), none of them are willing to put that much time and money into 1 game. Most developers (like EA) will tend to release 4 games instead of 1. This way they can put out more games and don't have to worry about having 1 of them flop (as where if Capcom's next game flops, they would have a lot to worry about).

There's actually not much that we can do, mainly because I've thought that the quality of gaming as degraded over the last 10 years. Games continue to get more repetitive and don't try to make anything new (let's make 90% of our games a FPS :cryin: ) My only hope for quality games is from Nintendo and every so often another game developer re-releases a classic.
My solution is not to buy any duff games. I havent bought a bad game for Wii yet, although they have not all been as outstanding as Nintendo's efforts they have at least been decent.

As for developers putting the time and money into a game, well it shouldnt really be that much of a risk. The Wii is much cheaper to develop for than 360 or PS3 and if they make a game good enough then there are enough Wii owners out there for it to get good sales.

The big problem for the Wii imo is the PS2. Until its gone it will always be easier to just quickly port the PS2 version of a game rather than do a Wii specific one. The PS3 is having the same problem with the 360, developers port the 360 version over resulting in a lot of the PS3 games having bad frame rates and the developers cant be bothered to improve them.

It will all improve with time though.
"..Remember when super mario64 was released, it was revolutionary. i thought it was untoppable but a third party developer..rare.. made banjo kazooie which imo took it to another level. im not saying its better than mario but maybe we can hope for some galaxy lookalikes!

Rare was actually second party as Nintendo owned 49% of the company..."

Rare is now owned by Microsoft!