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Thats why nintendo needs to stop relying on Mario, zelda, Metroid, and smashbros every console generation, and needs to come up with new ip's so that way they don't have to worry about if third parties are going to support them they will be able to support there selfs. Yes the wii is an inovating console but if no one is buying its games then how long is inovation going to last?StumpedV.2 said:I am very thankful that nintendo can continue to revolutionise the industry through sheer innovation.
But as stated in a previous post, developers would rather not utilise the wii's amazing capabilities, and just churn out the same old rubbish.
But that isn't their fault, it's down to the consumers, If the majority of the public were not sheep, and did not accept the tripe that is made available to them, then you would see a much more successful nintendo in terms of figures sold.
I do not, however possess a wii as of yet, because of cut backs at work, due to relocation, i am being let go. So at the moment I cannot afford. Oh well my DS keeps me more than happy
But too actually answer the thread question, I think the wii is just too appealing to not last for a good 5 years at least.