Rage Gaming is now recruiting.


WiiChat Member
Feb 6, 2012
North Carolina
Rage Gaming is a fast growing clan and community based on maturity. Our main philosophy here is to be organized, progress with teamwork, have fun, and meet some cool people in the process in a laid back, friendly atmosphere. As of now we are specializing in Modern Warfare 3, and Battlefield 3.
As we grow we want to expand into different games and major titles. We accept all players so no matter where you live, you’ll always have someone to play with. Some of the current features we have and are planning for are:
» Active Leadership »
Active and always busy forums »
Special events and game nights »
Skilled active members in-game who just love to play and have fun » A live chat box on our forums to chat with friends live »
Positive, friendly atmosphere where respectful people are welcome »
And much more in the works
We are organized based on a simple rank structure where members are encouraged work they way up. Mainly to stay organized and reward those who have showed high activity and dedication. All new recruits go through a 7 day trial period to see if you mesh well with our current member base and make sure you have consistent activity. You will Play with a Commander or General to see if you can be in the clan.

If you are interested, visit our website. http://rage0gaming.x10.mx/index.php

Also If you want to add me on MW3 , my ally code is 1108-3957-1460.
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