starting new wii clan elite rangers now officially recruiting

damm it bro really they were ignoring your invites. Ok then i guess i really cant do nothing since i cant get in touch with them. May i reccomend the LAc clan if you want an european clan then MIKI
thanks for the reccomendation rangers...
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  • #63
well just to let everyone know that since my wii broke i have been going back and forth about thinking whether or not to get the new wii. And have I have decided that im going to buy a ps3 over the summer and start the Elite Rangers clan there to and make it a multi-console clan for both the wii and ps3. The reason why is because nintendo doesnt get much attention from companies like the creators of Call Of Duty and Battlefield Company, so getting the ps3 i would have more attention than the wii.

When I get the ps3 i will post in the thread below
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  • #64
confused? On wheteher or not to buy the ps3
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  • #65
dam dont read into the playstation network and its all messed up right now so dont know whether ima get the ps3 yet. also heard that they might start charging for online gameplay but not sure yet. So ima probally wait and if not ima get a new wii
im back ranger and ready 2 ply n cn give me some friend codes cause i cnt get on the site only have the wii internt
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  • #68
here are the members with there ally codes. Also the clan has a co-leader so talk to ER~Tweak he will be the one leading the clan until i get my new wii over the summer.
^ER~Tweak~>*: 9210-3323-1157
^ER~Greyhaze~>: 2934-9224-6204
^ER~TheGame~>: 4224-4402-1590
^ER~Legion~>: 1332-8188-8904
^ER~CaptionTom~>: 3395-0442-2317
^ER~Haunter~>: 0835-9301-8421
^ER~kr1ptic~>: 5093-6063-6317
^ER~Elite~>: 4539-5496-2126
^ER~Fallen~>: 5398-9777-0184
^ER~Airborne~>: 1807-2719-6449
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Let me tell you this since i game on wii/ps3 black ops
ps3 or rather Sony

wont be charging for online services and PSN has been back online for almost 3wks now so we can play online.

what isn't back up though is the PS store to purchase stuff BUT
that should be back up either tomorrow or within the first week of june.

Also on to more important stuff MAP PACK 2 for black ops
is releasing on the first week of june for PC and ps3.

so if ya get your ps3 you can get map packs 1 & 2 for black ops
and possibly add me to your psn and join up your clan since im not apart of a clan on ps3 lol
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  • #70
Well bro if you want you can join the clan for the ps3 and start recruiting if you want. Until I get my ps3 because ima probally get the ps3 until like mid-summer. Also if you want you can be the co-leader of ER~ for the ps3 and when I send you the request add me. And finally when a new member wants to join just tell them to visit the clan website and register and put their gamertag there. This is only if you are really interested in joining the clan for the ps3.

And about the information you have me thank you have made me finally decide on getting the ps3. Since i was confused about all the problems that they had.
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  • #72
hey fallen hows the clan doing since im not able to watch over it any more. And if you want you can help me run the clan
Good.. Although I'm pretty sure Airborne left the clan. But I think I have someone who is thinking about wanting to join SHE is beast and its one of the main players of that clan that wanted to battle us :) ..
Sure I'll help you.
Oh and like two other people left but I dont know what there names where before since I only have a few clan members in my friends list because half the ally codes are 'Invalid'.
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  • #75
oh ok then but do you have tweakdabomb as ur ally because he is the clans co-leader he has most of the members as well. Also can you tell everyone that wants to join and that is in clan to visit the clan website and to register so that no more incidents like this could happen again. and thank you once again