quick question about GH3


WiiChat Member
Nov 13, 2006
ok so i have a ps3 version of gh3 and later on they got free music dowload for the boss battles because they never were in free mode, only in career. anyways my brother has a wii and wants GH3 but he likes playing the boss battles alot and well since the wii doesnt have DLC, i was wondering if the wii version of GH3 got the 3 free songs through a patch or something, or no? on a side note, that would just suck of they didnt but i can see why do. one other small question. im used to ps3 version but does guitar hero 3 for wii have a lag at all on regular tube tv's?
Nah, the wii version doesnt lag alot on regular TV's, It works perfectly on mine.
And if there is a bit of lag you can change it in the settings menu.
Afaik, there is no current patch out for GH3 for the Wii, there maybe a download for them 3 extra songs when the DLC comes out for the Wii, but nothing as of yet.

And I don't get any lag, but I am using a 32" plasma.
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because he got a wii over the weekend and im getting GH3 for his b-day! he lives like 45 min away from me,so yeah

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