Slow Wii Internet Connection - GH3, too


WiiChat Member
Nov 6, 2007

I have always had slow response for Internet on my Wii (the store, downloading games, etc). It is VERY slow and times out often.

I just got Guitar Hero 3 and am able to play online but it is VERY jumpy - I am definitely having a slow connection which is causing me major problems with trying to play online. It is impossible to play GH3 when it is jumpy - cause the notes are all over the place!

I have a Linksys router on a very fast Internet connection (8mb/sec rated, 12mb/sec via online tests). The router uses WEP and is physically sitting 3 inches from the Wii.

Any ideas are great appreciated.

Thank you.
Try the corded method of getting your WII online, i hear theres lots of things that can interfere with the WIIs wireless connection to the router/modem
Do you have a DS, and if you do, does that connect fine?
My Wii doesn't connect well, but my DS connects fine.
I'm gonna send it in to Ninty soon >_<
if you are connected to a cable modem that is running its own firewall, then you should be ok to turn off the firewall on your router. sometimes running multiple firewalls slows things down a bit
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whitehurst said:
11.5 mb/sec on my computer. My ISP connection is not the problem. Connection is too slow to even load this page on wii.

nm, I just found that if you put the wireless channel on 1 or 11 it works. mine was on 6. stupid wii - it wouldn't mattttter if you were freakin' 802.11 compliant!
whitehurst said:
nm, I just found that if you put the wireless channel on 1 or 11 it works. mine was on 6. stupid wii - it wouldn't mattttter if you were freakin' 802.11 compliant!

If the Wii wasn't 802.11 compliant, you wouldn't be connecting at ALL to your WLAN. The problem is not with the Wii itself, it is a problem with the way the WLAN channels are distributed and interference. Channels 1 and 11, being on the ends of the spectrum, tend to have less noise, and hence seem to work better for some devices. Also each "channel" for wireless is not exclusive. Meaning that there is some overlap between channels and an AP working on channel 4 WILL interfere with an AP running on channel 3 (or 3 and 5). Channels 1 and 11 also have less overlap due to being on the ends of the spectrum.
hello everybody i have the same problem with my internet connection.
company alestra
download speed: 1 mb
upload speed:128k
router airlink 101 super g wireless

help me please :shocked:

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