Quick NoE Rant


I'm behind you!
Oct 27, 2007
I finallly got on to the all new nintendo of europe site, which is new,sleek and very impressive, that is however, before the wii points come in to play!

I had heard about this before and decided to register my games on club nintendo, i painstakingly did this with 13 games, my wii, gamecube and ds and had around 5000 stars.

I tried to load up the star/point swapping website and got onto the homepage, tried to log in, but no, the site crashed.

10 tries later i finally got on, only to find out they have run out of points codes!! :mad2: how can you run out of electronic codes i don't know

I have suffered enough from being a European Gamer, over-pricing, late release dates etc.

But this was the final straw, Nintendo should expect an angry e-mail in their inbox :p
i can see it on nintendos faces when they read,

omg not another one, dam i better take a quick look, oh cant be bothered, DELETED.

yeah i couldnt get on and i was like WTF how can they run out, retarded,

any way, have you registered some games recently? omg how boring was it (if you have ) filling out s moronic questionaire every single time?

How did this game come to you possesion? A.I nicked it

How many people will play this game? A. i dunno a couple of million

Now give us details on age/ Gender of those who will play? A. eh cant be bothered.

my fave was, when did you last play a game, tick which applies.
over 12 months ago
within 12 months

WTF i mean almost everyones answer would be, within 12 months,

wouldnt it be better asking,

last 24 hours
last week
last month
last year
over a year

anyway, yeha its dissapointing
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i agree i did it 12 times (thankyou Nintendogs!!!) not only the questionaire but trying to rub the pin thing off, tryng to tell whether its a O or an 0.
0o were not to bad with the newer games i found but, in total iv done like 43

but last night i did 5 i think, i got bored, still got 2 tp do lol
I have registereed my games, but it is the most pointless thing I have ever done!! What is the point of it?
i bought 3 lots yesterday, but still sold out today... that's just crazy.

still have loads of stars to trade in. come on nintendo - sort it out
Billions of them :)

lol iv only got enough stars for about 1800 points :( lol but hay every little helps
WiiLord said:
Hey guys! I need a vice president to join me in the hunt to destroy waluigi!
Never will you accomplish your mission!


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