Ok whats the deal???

daviduk200 said:
yeah, we uk people are ripped of 24/7 even with this stuff you are 2X better off.

and yeah we get a bunch of points everytime we get a nintendo published game/product, also if we buy VC games we also get these points.

i have thousands, and i have been waitng for this day since they announced it back in spring[/QUOTE

Sorry how do we get points for buying VC Games.
The reason the UK hasn't joined the Euro - it will highlight just how expensive this country is!!

I hope they dont make 100 star points = 1 wii point or something daft like that! There is not really anything else to use your Star points on unless you really want a mario wallpaper on your mobile phone


P.S. - 1 litre of petrol (gas) is about $2.25 in the uk - which is about $9.50 a gallon (maths was never my strong point)
Bliss said:
as of right now there is a only a .17 cents differance in favor of the Euro, BUT...do you buy everything u own or dows mommy and daddy? Im on my own, been on my own since i was 15.

dude the conversion rate isnt much but nintendo just jacks the prices up. dont pull that "i had to earn my money " crap. money is money, and europeans dont like being overcharged, just like us.
fellow american

EDIT: oh snap i didnt know the UK didnt use euros. well actually i did because they use pounds right? anyway whatever, my argument still stands.
apparently nintendo sent an email to members confirming wii points for stars

wii wii blog archive said:
Nintendo have emailed registered members of their European website about changes to their privacy policy. So far, so very dull. But the reason for this change is that in the very near future, members will be able to convert their Stars into Wii points for use on the Virtual Console. That’s the kind of marketing initiative we like, Ninty!

taken from nintendos email :

nintendos email to members said:
you will soon be able to swap your Stars for Wii Points in the Stars Catalogue if you linked your Wii Shop Channel account to your online Nintendo membership.

I never recieved this email did any of you ?
Bliss said:
as of right now there is a only a .17 cents differance in favor of the Euro, BUT...do you buy everything u own or dows mommy and daddy? Im on my own, been on my own since i was 15.

It shows...

In many areas in Europe, the prices on things are very high. Finland and GB are two examples. After conversion, we over on the European side of the pond are paying ridiculous amounts of money for games, etc. For example, Super Mario Galaxy is 55 euros at this one Finnish site I checked. That's around $88!! At amazon.co.uk it's 43 pounds, which is around $80. At amazon.com right now, you can get SMG for $50.

The euro doesn't go a long way here in Finland and many people here are wondering what is going on. The people I have talked to say prices on everything from entertainment to food, skyrocketed since the change from the Finnish mark to the euro.

As an American, I can easily admit that I took prices (and a lot of other things) for granted back in the States. I do miss it, sometimes.

On topic:

Do we have to register the games and products we buy in order to get these Star points? Is it any game or just Nintendo-specific games? This is the first time I've even heard of this.
Well i recieved the email above. in fact if you didnt agree to the new terms & conditions a few months ago, then your account on Ninty-Euro probably doesnt even exist anymore- may want to check that. And stars are recieved only in NINTENDO games, not 3rd party, also consoles recieve points, signing onto the website every day, creating a membership and, rarely, you may get a few for filling in a survey.
Bliss said:
ok and the cost of living here in NY is so damn high...lol.:lol:
thats why we get paid more/hr though :lol: ( you should get CoL from your employment, might not be much but its there )
chessaholic said:
Well i recieved the email above. in fact if you didnt agree to the new terms & conditions a few months ago, then your account on Ninty-Euro probably doesnt even exist anymore- may want to check that. And stars are recieved only in NINTENDO games, not 3rd party, also consoles recieve points, signing onto the website every day, creating a membership and, rarely, you may get a few for filling in a survey.

Im sure I didnt get this email ( I would definately know if I did)
And my account is definately active as I have registered products recently .

Anyway I only wanted someone to confirm that they were sent out so thanks chessaholic
I never got this E-Mail
and I'm still getting stars, Or was before the site shut down.
I'm glad we have the chance to have an American in Europe to confirm what we already know in ripoff U.K.
I agree with rip-off britain too. I've been to the states a few times, and was amazed once when i picked up 'Yosh Touch and Go' for DS (several years ago now) for the equivalent of £17 in a SHOP. UK websites such as play.com were charging £25 at the time. The only thing i will mention is that UK has 17.5% VAT tax, US has an average, i believe, of about 8% though thats an uncertain memory and i think its differant by state. Their tax isnt included when you see the price on the shelves. But even then, UK is still more expensive.
well i guess congrats to the UK then but i wish amercia would do it but what ever!
just curious, in the US, in the area that i live in, the average Net income per year is roughly $51,000. What is the average Net income for your area? is it enough to make the ratio that we pay for game\gas\etc the roughly the same?

I See this in the US in ways such as houseing, My area houses range upwards of $600,000 for a 2 bedroom. Where as in a different part of the US a 2 Bedroom runs around $150,000. Of coarse, their local income is less then my area, and they might have different heating\cooling costs. in the end they balance out to roughly the same ratio of income vs costs.


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