Question time

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  • #31
Ohh thats a hard one, I like ones who have done something truly great who are brave or worth to be a rolemodel (possibly someone like cristiano ronaldo or etc.) rather then those drug talking size models and normal celebs who think they are great, i hate em :( i like curvez :p

do you like yourself?

*ment to be after tlc*
Cpt.McCloud said:
Ohh thats a hard one, I like ones who have done something truly great who are brave or worth to be a rolemodel (possibly someone like cristiano ronaldo or etc.) rather then those drug talking size models and normal celebs who think they are great, i hate em :( i like curvez :p

do you like yourself?

*ment to be after tlc*

lol thats why i <3 angelina jolie....curves in all the right places! i mean that in a completely heterosexual way of course! :D

i deff like myself, i cant complain- theres always those slight improvements though like not talking so loud (cops have a shouting habbit LMAO), lose the last 10LBS i put on from winter weight, stop being such a liberal parent to my puppy (that dog gets away with murder i swear!) ect lol

all and all im not that tainted by my job so i still like to be me :)
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  • #33
erm yeah il agree :S :lol: *question tlc! you forgot :p*

do you like me (the list of do you like ?? will stop because they are dodgy questions :S)
Cpt.McCloud said:
erm yeah il agree :S :lol: *question tlc! you forgot :p*

do you like me (the list of do you like ?? will stop because they are dodgy questions :S)

yes i like you :) you keep me occupied with gun questions lol

i always forget to make a question! :(

let someone else answer this one-

if you could go back to any year, what would it be and why?
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  • #36
Can hardly see :S

btw im not aloud to post so answer tlc's post:lol:

jill can i post yet. . . . :p
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  • #39
Brawny said:

Do you like me? </sarcasm>

'Yeah brawny we love you oh brawny we do'

has anyone heard of middlesbrough?
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  • #41
people can make you a sig. . .

look in the right places.

the next poster relizes thats it McCloud not MC cloud >.<
Cpt.McCloud said:
'Yeah brawny we love you oh brawny we do'

has anyone heard of middlesbrough?

=) yush! - my sisters ex-boyfriend was from there... obscure i know...

Anybody wish mac users would grow up and get a system that can be used for something other than photoshop and has decent hardware?

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  • #43
erm not really :S :lol:

do you like snooker?
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  • #45
Yeah, cake rocks.

snooker and pool are completly diffrent games, in the states pool is more popular and you get the pool sharks and stuff but in england and other places snooker is more popular even tho it requires you to count:lol:

do you like scooby doo?

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