Question time

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  • #16
erm, il try to turn that into a question tlc!:lol:

I dont have a wasted talent i think :S

what do you describe as the noob appeal (arrogant, big headed and spammer?) and what dyu mean i walked in as if i wasnt new :p
Cpt.McCloud said:
erm, il try to turn that into a question tlc!:lol:

I dont have a wasted talent i think :S

what do you describe as the noob appeal (arrogant, big headed and spammer?) and what dyu mean i walked in as if i wasnt new :p

whoops yeah i forgot to add a question!!! sorry

n00b appeal is annoying spam or types things without searching and doesnt understand the concept of an organized forum. thats n00b appeal

i dont mean trolling if thats what youre implying when i wrote you walked in like you werent new lol. i ment that you understood the rules and everyone accepted you right off the bat without hesistation. youre a good member and youre not troublesome

ETA- cholate or vanilla?
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  • #19
:mad5: How dare you make me choose!!!!

i like erm erm, i like vinilla ice cream and normal chocolate!

there you made me choose!

are you happy now!

whats the top 5 funniest things you have read on this site!

a hard question :p

(damm, i have revived a few threads today. . .)
Cpt.McCloud said:
:mad5: How dare you make me choose!!!!

i like erm erm, i like vinilla ice cream and normal chocolate!

there you made me choose!

are you happy now!

whats the top 5 funniest things you have read on this site!

a hard question :p

(damm, i have revived a few threads today. . .)
oh where do i begin??

there was that idiot that claimed he was god- ganandorf? i think that was the members name. that was the most annoying dude ever

then there was the time paintballer and i went through WW3 but we <3 eachother now.

then there was north99 and her ever stupid rant and how she called me "gunboobbrain"

and lastly my all time favorite has to be the new one of how the next tiger played off wii smurf with an "s" that was horrible!
Wii_Smurf said:
Wheres your question....

Ummmm. Im good?

And do you HATE SALAD :mad5: :mad5:

Sorry, that was a reply to the_loose_cannons post which got deleted :) ,
I dont like salad much, unless it has mozzerella (cant spell) cheese on it ;)
Do you like the red hot chili peppers? (sorry for that)
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  • #24
no, i enjoy salad and prawns :D

do you hate spammers and n00bs and people who make nitty picky needless arguements . . . and arrogant people
Cpt.McCloud said:
no, i enjoy salad and prawns :D

do you hate spammers and n00bs and people who make nitty picky needless arguements . . . and arrogant people

um,yes ( i know who one is lol, not u though!)
And again, since you never answered my question, Do you like the red hot chili peppers?
Wii_Smurf said:
Wheres your question....

Ummmm. Im good?

And do you HATE SALAD :mad5: :mad5:

i had mitch edit and delete some things on the site :hand:

salads rock! i love greek salads with feta cheese and LOADS of red onions. i like ceaser too and i love at friendlys (which is a popular resteraunt here) this asian chicken salad with mandrin oranges and chicken is sooo refreshing!!!!!

whats a food that makes you gag! (i cant look at chickpeas they make me sick for some reason)
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  • #27

and do you relize mine was reply to wii smurf salad question

*ment to be post after lee's*
Cpt.McCloud said:

and do you relize mine was reply to wii smurf salad question

ew! ;)


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  • #29
i editted and i like chicks peas!!

a food that makes me gag is this rice and curry thing at my school its disgusting!

do you like ssbb lover *random i know :S*

*ment to be after loose cannon*
Cpt.McCloud said:
i editted and i like chicks peas!!

a food that makes me gag is this rice and curry thing at my school its disgusting!

do you like ssbb lover *random i know :S*

*ment to be after loose cannon*

i <3 tyler hes a good kid. however i do have a HINT of anomosity for him never making me my perfect sig like he promised a few months ago!! :yikes:

must burn down the building......

whos your favorite celebrity of all time- alive or dead

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