PS3 price downfall

Anyway I think too much people with a wii is bad... it will finish with all sales!
i agree, i hope not everyone gets a wii, because then it and its games will be sold out for months (sort of like the problem im having trying to find a ds lite here in houston). Plus, i want to be original :D
I really don't care if Wii wins the console war, I'm gonna buy it. And I know some real nintendo fans will buy it too. Serious gamers from SSBM will probably get the Wii, and those are the kind of people I want to play SSBB online with. If some Sony fan decides to save his money and buy a Wii, it won't affect me.
the PS3 has WAY too many bells and whistles. the only good thing they added that can compensate for the price is the CELL proccesser and GFX. other than that, its all useless. there are alot of PS only games (like FFX) but $600 for a system that can play the same games as the rest is just stupid. i liked the cube, PS2, and xbox last gen but this gen its Wii and 360 for me
i hope squaresoft comes back to nintendo. They left because nintendo refused to use cd's instead of cartridges on the 64. A lot of FF games are great, (not all, but most) and it would be awesome to see more on the wii.
Mitch2025 said:
the PS3 has WAY too many bells and whistles. the only good thing they added that can compensate for the price is the CELL proccesser and GFX. other than that, its all useless. there are alot of PS only games (like FFX) but $600 for a system that can play the same games as the rest is just stupid. i liked the cube, PS2, and xbox last gen but this gen its Wii and 360 for me

I don't think the PS3's bells and whistles are really a bad thing, but nor are they original.

It has a hard drive, usb ports, hdmi, 5.1 output, bluetooth, WiFi, DVD player,and a cheap Blu-ray player (which may or may not succeed).

The Xbox 360 has all of these except hdmi (but it has hd component which is pretty good), bluetooth, and Blu-ray.

The Wii, at the same time, has USB ports, bluetooth, WiFi, DVD player, and uses component video just like the 360.

PS3 only really excels in the graphics department and that's really not a bad thing; gameplay is important but if Wiis games were just a few colored pixels, it wouldn't be that deep or fun. The PS3 will rival some PCs although probably not for more than a year with PC graphics card makers pumping out new stuff all the time. Hopefully, someday, PCs and consoles will merge in some way and we will get the best graphics with the best gameplay at the same time.

We all know, and have seen however, that Wii games don't look like just a couple colored pixels. Some of it's games rival the Xbox 360s graphics and will surpass both the 360's and PS3's gameplay, thanks to the Wiimote/Nunchuk combo.

I'm just saying, we shouldn't saying the PS3 has too many bells and whistles just because a couple of their bells might look better.

I will have to say, however, that Wii has the real bells and whistles where it counts: games, gameplay, innovation, and fun:cool:
yea but now sony will get them to stay and have them say no to nintendo because they dont have blueray. fucking sony lol

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