PS3 over Wii

Jslck630 said:
this sounds stupid but im scared i will waste my money on a 360 because of the red ring of death and pay 4 internet well thanks guys ima wait and see wat happens because we might get call of duty 5
I've heard that with the newer chip set of 360's (which would be the ones being sold nowadays), there's no risk of RRoD, because they are of 65nm instead of 90nm (or something like that). Basically, the hardware has been upgraded (not on what it does, but on it's reliablity).

If you're still worried about it, try researching it.
bit old this one:

EDIT: Yes, I am the real Squall7. I have to admit that I am becoming a convert. I'm going to be getting my 360 tomorrow. Just a lot of good looking games seem to be bypassing the Wii, and I want in. Like the look of more 360 exclusives than PS3 exclusives.

But my main console will still be Wii though...

...I'm not going anywhere...
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