PS3 Better than 360, Heres the Reasons

elmo_999 said:
no, in n.a. it has to be sony's retail price but then again, there iare places like ebay where rich kids shell out 1500$ for a ps3 lol


can you imaging, shelling out 1500 for a PS3. or even them few that went for like 3grand on ebay on launch day.

You get it, power it up. and it crashes?
you now have to wait 3months for Sony to send you a new system, lol...

thats to funny to think of. hehehe
I think PS3 will be awesome once MGS4 and FF13, FF13 versus come out.
it doesn't matter which system is more powerful or cheaper.
All I know is that those 3 games will be one of my favorite games and what make ps3 a good system.

just like saying wii is a trash can right now but it will be good once mario galaxy comes out. :yikes:
This totally reminded me of a psp vs ds argument i had with my mates.I said the ds was the best for the games(Went through a list!) meaning it is a better GAMES CONSOLE!(Oh when i had this argument the browser and mp3 player were not out)
and the only pathetic comeback they had was this
"Well........we have mp3 player,movie player and pictures"
then i laughed and said you wait and see the ds will have all that stuff out sooner than you think for less.
Guess what now the 8 of them now own a ds and say it is better than the psp

Oh yeah back on subject.I have played a 360 for a total of 56 hours at my friends house and it is totally awesome.I have seen the ps3 and it also looks awesome.I think that they are both great and i am not picking a favourite because every console has its strenths and weakneses here is what i think:


PS3:Gran turismo HD-No playing your games in other peoples houses thanks to game code locking(That sucks hard) 8/10
x360:Gears of war-All the extras availble to buy.Not needed half of them
wii:Motion Sensing controller-Not the best graphics

i am not a fan boy but graphics dont bother me at all when i am playing games if a game is fun i look at that aspect not oh this game is great but it is pathetic because of the graphics.

JoonKimDDS said:
I think PS3 will be awesome once MGS4 and FF13, FF13 versus come out.
it doesn't matter which system is more powerful or cheaper.
All I know is that those 3 games will be one of my favorite games and what make ps3 a good system.

just like saying wii is a trash can right now but it will be good once mario galaxy comes out. :yikes:

And to the many non anime/rpg fans, Final Fantasy means **** to us..
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
This totally reminded me of a psp vs ds argument i had with my mates.I said the ds was the best for the games(Went through a list!) meaning it is a better GAMES CONSOLE!(Oh when i had this argument the browser and mp3 player were not out)
and the only pathetic comeback they had was this
"Well........we have mp3 player,movie player and pictures"
then i laughed and said you wait and see the ds will have all that stuff out sooner than you think for less.
It's already out for it. :) You just have to get a kit and it can do everything the PSP can.

I'm sure some of you guys saw this if you have Bellsouth has your homepage on launch day, but a couple ppl shelled out 10k! $10,000 for a PS3! :eek:ut:
Kedarshashi said:
u sound racist.................

You sound like you don't know wtf racism is. Final Fantasy is an Anime-style Role Playing Fantasy Game. Anime = Japanese, Role Playing Fantasy Games = loved by girl gamers.
i do what racism is just i didnt know what exactly what was going on and that also is a steriotype girlz love Final Fantasy
Kedarshashi said:
i do what racism is just i didnt know what exactly what was going on and that also is a steriotype girlz love Final Fantasy

A Stereotype can only be a stereotype if it isn't true.
oh wahtever such complicated meanings well.... forget its gettigng 2 indepth

and i admit it i am not quitting because im losing im qiuittin cause im 2 lazy to argue

i know im losing the argument
NintendoGamer said:
Don't get me wrong, I would love an XBox360, but here are hard facts that you have to get.

- PS3 gets criticism of how its defective, it just launched a month ago, and remember all the 360 crashes when it launched? Every system has its fair share of defectives

- The Cost of the PS3 is too expensive. NOT TRUE. Take a look at this.
Before Taxes
PS3 - 659.99 includes Blu-Ray, and all the extra stuff you gotta buy for XBox, including free online (although not as good as Xboxlive, but still its free, So it kinda cancels out a little)

XBox360 - 399.99 For just the Xbox360 and a controller.
199.99 For the HD-DVD player
19.99 Intercoolers
50.00 For XBoxLive

Everyone is buying into the marketing tricks the 360 is using. You are paying just about the same price.

All in all, your paying just about the same price for a 360, when its not as powerful as a PS3.

PS : PS3 Has some really good games lined up so don't even say that the 360 has flat out better games in Halo and GoW
- OK

- All that proved is that PS3 is not over priced, it is still expensive, especially for a gaming system (which is its main reason). And it is the reason I won't get one at launch (may get a 360 sometime)

PS: No reason to get a PS3 yet.