PS3 Better than 360, Heres the Reasons

one more thing, the thread name, just gives you a complete summary of what the first post is going to look like..
NintendoGamer said:
- The Cost of the PS3 is too expensive. NOT TRUE. Take a look at this.
Before Taxes
PS3 - 659.99 includes Blu-Ray, and all the extra stuff you gotta buy for XBox, including free online (although not as good as Xboxlive, but still its free, So it kinda cancels out a little)

XBox360 - 399.99 For just the Xbox360 and a controller.
199.99 For the HD-DVD player
19.99 Intercoolers
50.00 For XBoxLive
since when is ps3 659.99? I bought my ps3 for $500.

both systems are great. XBOX360 had GOW 1 year after the release date and PS3 will have FF13 or MGS4 1 year after the release date. It's unfair to say xbox360 has great games like GOW and ps3 got none. Their system release date are 1 year different, give ps3 a break!

you cannot say halo3 yet because it is taking at least 2 year since the xbox360 launch. If you give 2 years to ps3 it will have even more.

If i really have to make a price comparison it would be 50 dollars.
$400 for xbox360 + $50 xbox live vs. $500 ps3 = $50 difference.

Even though I was lucky to pick my xbox360 premium for $300 at microcenter and $35 for xbox live 13 months on ebay, it's just a general calculation.

and I prefer ps3 disc(blue ray)games over just regular DVD games because...
1. my blue dragon is 3dvd, it's kinda annoying to keep switching the dvd for 1 game.
2. ps3 makes less noise when the disc spins.
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vagrant said:
Yes I am glad also. As are the 7+ million other who have bought it.

And clearly you are retarded. Is it not self explanitory why it is better to have it optional? Not everyone gives a **** about high def video players. In fact it is clear that most don't.

The fact is, hddvd/blu-ray are good for one thing really, and that is storage medium. Other than that, people are more than fine watching dvd's in 420p.
I think vagrant is so rude. He even calls other guy a 'retard' and fight back by generalizing 7+ million people's opinion who have bought xbox360. You should be nicer to other people in the forum, dude~
JoonKimDDS said:
both systems are great. XBOX360 had GOW 1 year after the release date and PS3 will have FF13 or MGS4 1 year after the release date. It's unfair to say xbox360 has great games like GOW and ps3 got none. Their system release date are 1 year different, give ps3 a break!

you cannot say halo3 yet because it is taking at least 2 year since the xbox360 launch. If you give 2 years to ps3 it will have even more.

You shouldn't give PS3 a break. It's a business and the real world is harsh.

Their system release date are 1 year different, give ps3 a break!

Microsoft took the first step into next gen by releasing their system first, an advantage that the other two consoles envy right now. They had one whole year to perfect the system, taking out the flaws, releasing games, and adding extra addons. To be fair though, the PS3 does have R:FoM (and the only game i own for PS3 :p).

Right now, the PS3 is losing. That is a big message for developers, whom many are jumping on the Wii bandwagon :D. The Wii craze is effecting PS3 sales and that means less PS3s in homes, means less consumers for PS3 games, and in the end meaning less profit. That is definitely not good for developers. If the PS3 sales don't do so well, then next few years, the only game PS3 fans will be waiting for is MGS, sadly.
Right. So your whole reasoning as to why the PS3 is better than the 360 is because with the PS3 you don't have to buy as many accessories? Call me stupid, but isn't that a bit lazy/ignorant.

Not everyone wants to spend the extra money on a new disc player, which is what Sony FORCE you to do, if you want to buy the system. On the other hand, Microsoft have brought out an add-on, because they know that the lower original retail price is more appealing. People can CHOOSE whether to get it now with the console, or later on down the road. Oh, and by the way, even after giving people the choice whether or not to buy the disc drive, it still costs less.

You chose some really crappy points to explain as to why you think the PS3 is better. I'm sure there are some good, valid reasons that make the PS3 better in some way.. but you certainly didn't come close to ANY of them.
JoonKimDDS said:
I think vagrant is so rude. He even calls other guy a 'retard' and fight back by generalizing 7+ million people's opinion who have bought xbox360. You should be nicer to other people in the forum, dude~

Lmao why did you just now once again claim to have a ps3, when you were just caught the other day lying about having a ps3. Why is it that you get **** not only on this forum, but bad on also?
ps3 is blahhhhhh
besides, why would you make this useless post in the 360 section ? ur just gonna get flammed.

360 has better games
better price
more reliable, its been out for like a year, you say "but ps3 was only out for a month oahhhh its not fair... well who cares ! ps3 isnt gonna get much better anyway. its horrible !
and the 360 just plain looks cooler than the ps3
vagrant said:
Lmao why did you just now once again claim to have a ps3, when you were just caught the other day lying about having a ps3. Why is it that you get **** not only on this forum, but bad on also?
LOL? wtf r u talking about. I have ps3 and I never lied or caught the other day. I had ps3 since the launch date.
btw, you hardly can use the 360 a year earlier thing an excuse for it being "better" if anything its against the ps3, because it failed to make it to its spring 07 launch, and thats why m$ rushed out the 360
ps3 price after taxes= $636, xbox360 and hd dvd addon after taxes= $636

What's awesome about this is that the 360 actually gives you a choice therefore saving you $200.
Dude! this love of Blu-ray drives me nuts!! Remember how long it took dvd and CDs to catch on? I bought a sony dream home theater 5 years ago which boasted SACD and guess what the PS3 boasts SACD. I haven't exactly looked but I have yet to browse across a SACD in Wal-mart or Target.
wtf? this bullshyt is still goin on? man they both suck and thats that.. (i love making ppl mad, i'm like an evil whore ha ha ha (cums))
vagrant said:
The fact is, hddvd/blu-ray are good for one thing really, and that is storage medium. Other than that, people are more than fine watching dvd's in 420p.

I actually think that DVDs look horrible, generally. Once you get a 720p or 1080p set, upconversion can only do so much. The relatively low bitrate of DVDs really shines when they are blown up to 4x their resolution.

I jumped on the HD-DVD bandwagon myself. I would hate to see it fail, but I figured for $199 I didn't have too much to lose. Every movie I purchase now is on HD-DVD.

Actually, there are more "deals" on Xbox 360 and the HD-DVD combo available than the PS3, because it's older.

I got the Xbox 360 for $200 after $100 mail-in rebate at Microcenter and $100 cash back from applying and being approved for their credit card, and I got the HD-DVD drive for $160 after $40 off of $199 coupon at Circuit City, so I actually got the entire combo for $360.

I love my 360 and my Wii. I highly doubt that I'll get the PS3. There is one game that appeals to me now, it's R:FOM. If I liked the PS3 as much as I liked my PS2, then I'll feel like it was a waste of $600. I wasn't a fan of the PS2 game library.
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SuperH said:
I actually think that DVDs look horrible, generally. Once you get a 720p or 1080p set, upconversion can only do so much. The relatively low bitrate of DVDs really shines when they are blown up to 4x their resolution.

I jumped on the HD-DVD bandwagon myself. I would hate to see it fail, but I figured for $199 I didn't have too much to lose. Every movie I purchase now is on HD-DVD.

Actually, there are more "deals" on Xbox 360 and the HD-DVD combo available than the PS3, because it's older.

I got the Xbox 360 for $200 after $100 mail-in rebate at Microcenter and $100 cash back from applying and being approved for their credit card, and I got the HD-DVD drive for $160 after $40 off of $199 coupon at Circuit City, so I actually got the entire combo for $360.

I love my 360 and my Wii. I highly doubt that I'll get the PS3. There is one game that appeals to me now, it's R:FOM. If I liked the PS3 as much as I liked my PS2, then I'll feel like it was a waste of $600. I wasn't a fan of the PS2 game library.
I am with you, I love HD-DVD, I think Blu_Ray will fail. I think Blu-Ray is Horrible IMO. I also will never buy a ps3, unless it was half price, then I might consider it.
Is it HELL 399.99 for the console and cotnroller

We got, Viva pinata, This racing game, and an extra controller with the console, and it was around £280
from what i can make since of your post im going to awnser with: no its not hell spending 399.99, and how come your going from US to pounds??
its hell spending 250 for a console when their making a profit out of it