Wii for the Family - LF Advice


Old Man Young at Heart :)
Nov 2, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Good day everyone! New member here in your community, and hoping I can trouble a few of you for some advice/input.

I'm awaiting delivery of a Wii that I've picked up for the family, and want to make sure that the family 'launch' day is successful. Here is the link to what I've purchased Click Here.

I'm wondering if you could confirm what accessories/extras I should be out shopping for so that I'm ready to roll when the system arrives. Here are my initial thoughts:

  1. 2 more controllers (4 in the family)
  2. Sensor Bar? I'm not sure if my purchase comes with one, but if not do I need one?
  3. controller charging station? I have a high quality charger already so perhaps I'm better off just using that
  4. Component Cables for my HDTV
  5. Audio?? - Coaxial or Fiber an option? If not, how are you getting the RCA Red/White audio cables over to your Audio Receiver? (I don't want to use my TV speakers for audio)
  6. network - I have high speed DSL and a wireless router - do I need anything else?

  • Entertaining Game for a group of Adults.. I'm thinking Wii Sports or Play might be a good start?
  • Kids - they are almost 7y and 5y - Mario Party perhaps?
  • Me - I'm still a kid :) I'm thinking of picking up GH III for myself, it looks like a lot of fun. I'm not into FPS or Strat games, and will pass on Zelda as I have an MMORPG I'm very engaged in already. Something like Mario Kart, and Super Mario type games would be up my alley

From what I've seen so far trolling the fourms, it seems like you have a great community here. I'm looking forward to getting our new console and exchanging post here.

Take care all.. and thanks in advance for the advice/insight.

Wow. Lots to answer.
1. get the 2 extra controllers. Also consider getting 2 extra nunchucks.
2. sensor bar comes with it... its how wii magic works lol.
3. I just bought the most expensive rechargable AA batteries I could find. They do the job and last forever.
4. definately get the component cables. You will thank yourself.
5. i THINK you can get piggyback like cables, not 110% sure, last I tried I had my cables connected into an 'L and R into earphone-like' input that plugged into my Logitech speakers... sounded unreal in all the good ways.
6. You just need a wireless router, then enter the router's settings into the Wii Wireless menu.

-Wii Sports is excellent for adults, Wii Play is free too so I spose i can recommend that.
-Consider Rayman Raving Rabbids, and upcoming Mario and Sonic at the Olympics for kids.
-Guitar Hero3 and Mario Galaxy (out soon), consider SSX Blur, I still love that game after 1/2 a year. Zelda isnt an MMORPG, its hardly an RPG either...get it lol, you dont level up as such, but you get new weapons/more health overtime, its more Adventure really...
All your choices really man, see what is out their, keep reading the forums and have a chat in some of the 'Gaming' areas, and you will learn much info haha.
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- You mention Wii Play is free? Looks like my system will come with Wii Sports, so can I get Wii Play for free too or is that a separate purchase? I'm guessing they've just changed what they are bundling now?
- What about an SD card? Is that a must have requirement or is there enough system memory to get me by for now?

- Component Cable - Guessing there are various flavours including an 'official' Nintendo version. I'll just need to shop around, but really need to figure out how I'm going to get my audio jacked into my Audio Receiver and the R/G/B over to my TV. Perhaps It's time to get a new Audio Receiver that can switch component...
hi i have a problr=em i think. i would like to put my wii console up stairs out of the way you see i run a pub and want it gone is thre any way i can wireless everything ?
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Audio - Looking at the component cable options, it looks like the only way for me to get audio over to my receiver is to buy and adapter. I don't like that idea at all.

I'm going to see if I can sell my wife on the fact that I need to upgrade our Receiver to a model that is capable of switching component video. That will be a much cleaner looking, better sounding way to solve the problem
I'd definitely recommend Wario Ware: Smooth Moves as another game you should buy. It'll be great for your kids. It consists of a bunch of fast paced funny minigames that will keep them engaged for long periods of time. Adults enjoy it too I've heard!
wii play is included with a wiimote for 50 dollars, making it nearly free.
great kids game = warioware smoothmoves
sd card is not needed.
bwlandu said:
I'm going to see if I can sell my wife on the fact that I need to upgrade our Receiver to a model that is capable of switching component video.
You say that almost sincerely :p
I've just spent 100buks on an XCM VGA Box, in an attempt to hook my wii upto my PC's LCD. So far I am still waiting on two extra cables as the thing still wont work....:mad5:

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