Problems with WII REMOTE..


WiiChat Member
Feb 1, 2008
Hopefully someone can help.. I just got my WII and it was working perfectly.. Tonight I went to use it and as playing the WII SPORTS BOWLING.. when I try to throw the ball using the B key and moving the remote, it doesnt release the ball and just brings up the message about how to throw the ball. I also tried the boxing game and I can plug in the other remote for my left hand and that works but the main remote doesnt work as far as punching. However, the wii remote does work for all the menus and channels.. Any ideas?

It seems specific to the sensor since after pressing B in bowling, you're suppose to move the remote and in boxing, it is also motion.

Is there anything wrong with the sensor bar? or anything that might affect the signal?
djqwikcut said:
Hopefully someone can help.. I just got my WII and it was working perfectly.. Tonight I went to use it and as playing the WII SPORTS BOWLING.. when I try to throw the ball using the B key and moving the remote, it doesnt release the ball and just brings up the message about how to throw the ball. I also tried the boxing game and I can plug in the other remote for my left hand and that works but the main remote doesnt work as far as punching. However, the wii remote does work for all the menus and channels.. Any ideas?

The problem is simple, the accelerometer is stuck.

This is what is recommended by Nintendo:
1. Place your Wiimote face down on your palm.
2. With your other palm, strike the Wiimote sharply several times.
3. Check to see if it has fixed the problem. If not, repeat.

Trust me, this works. I have fixed my Wiimote many times using this method.

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