This is extremely wierd (Wii remote)


WiiChat Member
Mar 7, 2008
Allright so i bought my 2nd Wii remote and it works fine During the Wii menus and all that....

So let's take Wii Sports for example....

I pick press a + b and pick my Mii and everything is fine...Then i pick tennis and when i try to serve/hit the ball my remote is unreponsive

I press the house button on the Wii remote and wala theres my cursor pointer finger...

I can't seem to find anything wrong with it....My controller(that came with the Wii) is perfectly fine not a single thing wrong with it......

Anyone have any idea of what the hell is going on here?
If your remote is not sensing movement of your arm swings then the motion sensors (called accelerometers) inside the Remote are stuck. This is a rare condition, I've only had to do this on one remote and the following is the solution if you were to call Nintendo Tech Support:
  • it's hard to believe :)
    • lie the remote in your palm flat-side down
    • take your other hand and whack it real hard several times
    • avoid hitting the battery door and trigger button
    • if it's not fixed, try again... you'll get it.
From frankwhite:

Thank You. I ended up having to call Nintendo which tells me its a known issue... then tells me to hold remote upside down in right hand place left hand 4 inches above the remote and give her a good whack. ((( I actually started to laugh and ask if he was serious)))
anyhow it worked after the 7th whack.

So you were right thanks for the help.
Yep I have my Wii remote working now....
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allright thank you for the reply back. I can't test till after school but if it works then +rep! hahaha
Try it on a bunch of different games. If it still fails you really should take it back for a replacement.
I had the same problem yesterday. was playing fifa and got a little annoyed and hit the remote and nunchuk together (not very hard) and had the same problem where the curser was moving but in games only the buttons would work. Just tried this and think its working again. thanks, thought i was going to have to buy a new wiimote. rep

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