Problem with remote


WiiChat Member
Dec 26, 2009
Hello, I bought a Wii for the kids for Christmas, all's working fine except for 1 problem.
On the Wii sports Bowling game we cant let go of the ball.
All of us have tried, press A to pick up the ball, press B to play the shot, let go of B ........the ball goes backwards????
I've tried re-syncing the remotes, changing the batteries, switching on and off and moving the sensor bar. Any ideas welcome.
you have to swing the remote properly i had that problem alot with wii sports bowling or it might be sunlight issue
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The kids are playing something else at the moment, but I'll try it with the curtain closed later, Thanks.
Let go of the "B" button at the bottom or end of your swing. When you let go of the "B" button, "you" let go of the ball.
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Shutting the curtain when it's sunny has solved the problem, thanks

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