Pre-ordering a game


Are Wii having fun yet?
Sep 19, 2007
Columbus, Ohio
This is the first time I've pre-ordered a game, so can someone school me on what I need to do?

I pre-ordered GH3 at Best Buy a few months ago (got a free guitar strap!). My local BB is open at midnight for the release, but I'm not going at midnight to get it. If I go the next morning, they should have a copy for me, right? Do you go to the Cust. Service desk or just go grab a copy?

Thanks for your help.
i'm not sure, you shouldn't have to be there at midnight but don't quote me. i would just find some store employee whos walking around and say i preordered guitar hero three for wii
XtremeKilling said:
i think that you have to pay extra for preording games...maybe $20? or maybe $50 or something...i dunno.

No, at gamestop you pay 5 or ten $, and then for example if it was $50, it would be $40. They subract from what you paid.
They put the money you paid on the preorder twords the cost of the game. No money is lost when preordering. They just want proof you actually want the game before buying extra copies.

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