I'm scared now -0.0

dont worry. there gonna have about a bagillion copys cause of all the hype and anticipation. plus they cant give it away unless 48 hours pass. (ive got one pre-ordered too, and will be picking it up after school tuesday as well :yesnod:)
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I can';t take the day off. My mother would kill me. I also need to see my friend to get my new mp4 player.
Don't worry about it. You'll get it although I don't see what all the hype is about. The only game I ever pre-ordered was San Andreas although I did preorder a Wii and there was mayhem with Argos as they didn't recieve enough to go to all pre-orders. I was just lucky to get mine at launch and not January.
check your receipt, it will say they will hold the game for 24 or 48 hrs after release, since its a very anticipated title, it may be less! check the receipt!
CantGetAWii said:
Well in a way it does, because it does not belong in WiiChat, however it would look nice in the 360 portion of this site.

Thank you... I read this and thought "what does this have to do with 'Wii Gaming'?"

I understand everyone is excited about Halo 3, but at least respect the rules of the board while you do it.

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