Practicing for Test

whats eighth grade? here in england, we have primary school, that goes from reception, to year six, then high school goes from year seven to year eleven, then we have a year of sixth form, then collee for about five years, and then university.

Who goes to college for 5 years? You do sixth form or college for up to 3 years, then you can go to university (if you wish). University is about 3 or 4 years long for most subjects, if you're interested.

what on earth is a freshman o_O

Someone new to college or university.
A freshman is in Both Highschool and College, then there is Softmore's they are the Second year and then i dont know the third year
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Wiired said:
Wow colouring for homework in yr 9... i used to get essays in yr 9 :scared: goin in yr 11 next week :cool: 12th grade methinks. also well done with the spellin dude

we did eassys in 7th grade (year 8?) for launage arts, yah we go from essays and debates about issues to coloring accutaly pisses me off becasue i dont want to go in 9th grade (year 10?) not being prepared
Dang you all are younger than I thought. I'm a junior in a university with a job and everything. Sure wish I could back to when school was so much simpler...

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