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i wanna buy one of these.. or a pair... =)
So I guess that Wireless Nunchuck by Nyko wouldn't work with those new Wiimote gel covers. Screw that! I'd rather have the gel cover on than it be wireless.
I have played with them on ever since they can out and changed the batteries a few days ago and tried it without the gel cover.
IT SUCKS !!! Feels really cheap and light weight(which they are)
I just downloaded zelda oot and I guess I just miss how the 64 controller works compared to the classic controller.
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Ermm i dont think that the regular old component cables that you prefer can connect to a pc monitor :p
Thats what it does and it doesnt depent on your g-card AND its fullHD ,i mean that you dont need to have a pc :p only its monitor to use it. Some monitors do have component inputs but from what ive read they are not all compatible with wii and you also have to pre-set it and then plug it, but i dont know if thats true
Now thats what it says it can do, the only thing left is to test it :)
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i wouldn't know, I have two 32'' Vizio LCD' s for monitors. both have component out as well as HDMI to DVI that runs to my Mac Pro graphics card:ihih: Hence, I work as a tv and movie editor.:p
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