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  • #199
ramsanine said:
did nintendo come out with their own charger??? their own brand charger??

All third parties one's so far dude :thumbsup:

And Shadowpunk I'll see what I can find :)
Keep up the great work rach, I'd rep you but I gotta spread it around more first it says.

About the grip/charger, it does both or the grip just allows access for a separate charger?
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  • #203


And just how cool is the dudes shelf?

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  • #204
Skorp said:
About the grip/charger, it does both or the grip just allows access for a separate charger?

I think it does both, if you look at it I'm sure you can see a battery there, so maybe you take the cover off and put those batteries in and their attatched or something?

I've no idea lol, but it looks like they do both at the same time :)
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  • #205

Madcatz wiimote and 'funkchuck'

'As promised by Amazon UK, the "Wand Remote Controller" will retail for £24.99 ($49 US) and be released on September 28th, with Amazon selling it for a "bargain" price of £19.99 ($39 US). Mac Catz will be hitting with the "Funchuk Controller" on June 29th for a more palatable £9.99 ($20 US), and Amazon UK is promising a discounted price of £8.99 ($18 US).'
surfinrach90 said:

Madcatz wiimote and 'funkchuck'

'As promised by Amazon UK, the "Wand Remote Controller" will retail for £24.99 ($49 US) and be released on September 28th, with Amazon selling it for a "bargain" price of £19.99 ($39 US). Mac Catz will be hitting with the "Funchuk Controller" on June 29th for a more palatable £9.99 ($20 US), and Amazon UK is promising a discounted price of £8.99 ($18 US).'

whats tge point of buying that since the price is the same :? can it do anything more than the wii remote :?
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  • #208
Yellow_Wii said:

thats not yours is it?

Nope lol, but I wish it was, I just found it somewhere on the net lol!

And Solard I've no idea, by the looks of it it's a slightly different shape..
I just noticed those aren't just LEDs, they are fans, that guy went all out, coupled with the raised systems to allow for better airflow I think he's a little paranoid about them overheating.
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  • #210



"Wii Blaster" Turns Wiimote Into Shotgun - Linkage

Intec’s Wiimote charger disappoints


'If you are looking for a Wiimote charger, you might want to stay away from Intec. This charger can only recharge one battery pack at a time, and you have to disconnect the pack from your Wiimote. While it comes in at $25, it’s hardly worth the price.' - Linkage