Possibility of Rare Games Coming to VC


WiiChat Member
May 26, 2007
New Jersey
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Be still thy beating hearts, Rare fans: more retro titles from the UK developer could make their way to the Virtual Console - although nothing is "in the pipeline at the moment".

On the Rare website letters page, one keen fan asks whether we could see Perfect Dark or Banjo Kazooie heading to Nintendo's downloadable service. While the answer is fairly ambiguous, it does provide a glimmer of hope: "As for Virtual Console, it's ultimately Nintendo's decision what gets released. Beyond the Donkey Kong Country games we don't have anything in the pipeline at the moment, but that doesn't mean it won't happen in future."

On the same letters page, there's also an interesting snippet of info about the Banjo series. In a response to a query regarding a potential Banjo remake for DS (rather like the developer did with Diddy Kong Racing DS), a Rare employee reveals that "there's always a chance".

Furthermore, the team that's currently working on the 360 version of Banjo Kazooie considered a remake and "actually did some works towards it but then dropped it in favour of the current fresh approach".

Finally, in just one last tease, Rare says that it could potentially bring more brand new titles to DS. "Viva Pinata DS (as well as being a good fit for the handheld) also shows that we can bring across properties other than those owned by Nintendo. So we'll leave you to wonder what's coming after Viva Pinata DS." Just don't say Killer Instinct, please

I found this off of IGN, here is a link http://wii.ign.com/articles/817/817147p1.html . While seeing Goldeneye on the VC is probably still highly unlikely due to licensing issues, the chance is one step closer. Also seeing Perfect Dark on VC would be exciting, especially if they could somehow add online play to it.
Any Donkey Kong character is sole ownership of Nintendo. Diddy Kong Racing, Killer Instinct will eventually launch on the Wii. However, Golden Eye has a multi liscense that more than just Rare is fighting over. Golden Eye will eventually appear on the Wii or 360. More likely the 360. Tradewest did a chunk of Battletoads, so Rare doesn't really own them either and that game should make a VC launch. Banjo Kazooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Perfect Dark will not appear on the VC. I hope that answers all questions.

Summary: Rare games that don't launch on the VC will show up on the 360.
You'll most likely see Goldeneye, as sagema said, on the 360 before the Wii any day.

I really before they do release goldeneye that they give it the same red carpet treatment they give Ocarina of Time when it was released as a collectors disk on the gamecube.

*Enhanced resolution
*Dolby Pro-Logic
They make it sound as if it's all on Nintendo....but Rare is probally wanting mega bucks to release their titles....
I think when they say "it's ultimately nintendo's decision" they mean "It's ultimately nintendo's decision to pay licensing fees and royalties."

Still, I'd really like to see Banjo-Tooie, I was a huge fan of the first game but didn't buy the sequel ; ; I've regretted it ever since.
i never got banjo-tooie either....shame as it probably would have been really good..

oh well, at least banjo 3 is coming out on the 360 :yesnod:
They better just get them all on the VC no matter what it takes, as far as rights and money issues. Whats the alternative just never release them and all involved make $0.

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