New ideas, Hard to get games, Current issues, Dicuss it all HERE!!

Dec 17, 2006
so it turns out that the VC is out now with te Wii but....... what games are going to be included toward the VC. Will games from Rare ware (which was bought by Microsoft) like Banjo Kazooie and perfect dark be on the VC? Here is were you can dicuss that as well as any other realted problem that might happen later and other things like being able to get rare games such as Earthbound and even the Final Fantasy Series plus everything else! Talk about what you want to see on the VC here and some of the current ideas you have wether it be organizing the menus or anything else!

Also are rare games going to go down in price now due to the availibilty on the VC............what do you think?
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ericlewis91 said:
donkey kong racing!

Diddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAGGGGHHHHHH :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:
They should release Saturn games. Yes, the console was crap, but there were a few classics that no one played, like NiGHTS, Burning Rangers, Radiant Silvergun, and Panzer Dragoon Saga.
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Im looking for Earthbound most or maybe even Chrono trigger or Final fantasy. Hopefully Banjo Kazooie will be on the VC too we need more N64 games.
I'll second the "more N64 games" plea. :)

I think it's great that they're doing all the really old games a lot - but I wanna see a ton of SNES and N64 games and fewer NES, TurboGrafix (sp?), etc.
Oldschool Smasher said:
Im looking for Earthbound most or maybe even Chrono trigger or Final fantasy. Hopefully Banjo Kazooie will be on the VC too we need more N64 games.
banjo kazooie=Rare
Microsoft=Not in a long shot

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