
MysticGohan said:
yes i know that but still even if you take just the English ones its still like 30 to 40 games....
That may be a big long list, but we were only talking about red/blue/yellow/silver/gold/crystal/ruby/sapphire/emerald/diamond/pearl/[whatever game combines diamond and pearl]. If you played all those games (and i'm pretty sure you haven't), they would lose their taste, which is why I don't play them all, just the gb ones (blue - emerald).
MysticGohan, if you don't like pokemon, then don't post on this topic. Quit flaming or you will be banned.
MysticGohan said:
aren't forums suppose to be about putting your opinion???
You don't post on topics you don't like. Say you're a democrat, then you get on the "Repub party thread" and say, "Republicans are freakin gay dude! HAHAHA!!!!!11!!oneone!!1!" That's a real well thought out opinion...yep. Unfortunately, they're are tons of Nintendo fanboys, like me, except they're noob enough to just go into the PS3 and 360 sections, saying stuff like, "PS3 is a computer dude, Wii roks socks. 360 is for losers, stupid bitches."

I think you get my point, don't post your opposing opinion on topics like this. I say "topics like this" because sometimes it's acceptable, you know when it's a debate thread or whatever.

Live and learn.
Well said ssbb_lover. Now back to topic.

I got a weird idea....Would having light and sound be good new types? Just throwin' that out there.:idea:
With the idea of sound and light, they should put it in a new wii game. Not like a stadium game though, but like the handheld ones, but in 3-D. I think it would be so much cooler to be able to walk in the grass in 3-D and not see anything. Then to fight you actually control the pokemon and you dodge and attack with the a and b buttons.
Same here. A console pokemon RPG would be great. Stadium and Colosseum are too focused on GYM battles. But I think D/P is getting into the whole 3-D concept now which is nice.