Pokemon in Super Smash Bros Brawl

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  • #91
Jeff25 said:
As for a new PKMN Stage for Brawl, my suggestion would be Stark Mountain form Diamond/Pearl, or Mt. Silver from the Gold/Silver/Crystal versions. Or even the summet of Mt. Coronet from Diamond/Pearl:)!
I would love Mt.Silver!!!....We could use some more "Friendly" Poke Stages.....
sorabrawl said:
johto is my favourite region too
do you think rival pokemon trainers like Gary will play a part in Subspace.
When we first see him, he'll probably would be having a pokemon battle with Gary or another trainer
Yes,I LOVE the Johto Region!! A Rival would be a good mini-boss.......
wiiisawesome said:
Aww, that sucks. The more characters the better IMO. It was fun playing with Mewtwo yesterday lol. Oh well, I use Kirby, Pikachu, and Samus more often.
I looks like Lucario might have simlar moves as Mewtwo.....and Mewtwo could be a Boss.....
Mew is in a Poke Ball....hes cool....
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Nick Atack said:
Yes,I LOVE the Johto Region!! A Rival would be a good mini-boss.......

Yeah, but that'd be too easy, I know what's super effective on his Pokemon. :D
No matter what Pokemon, I know. :D
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  • #93
Tomatktchp said:
Tomatktchp said:
(Quoted by me=Yes,I LOVE the Johto Region!! A Rival would be a good mini-boss.......

Yeah, but that'd be too easy, I know what's super effective on his Pokemon. :D
No matter what Pokemon, I know. :D
Youd probably battle him with Poke Trainer so youd only have Grass,water,and Fire types....
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  • #95
OK,Let me just list my favarite Regions in Order....

....Well,thats about it.....
I honastly think they should have Pokemon Cards in the game........
Or a Pokedex....Somthing to list Pokemon on.......
Lets discuss Poke Stages for a bit....
Nick Atack said:
They ought to make a Jhoto stage...that place is old and never gets enough glory....for Jhoto is my favarite Pokemon Region.....

Speaking of stages in Brawl, I think a good stage from the Johto region could be Mt. Silver...eaither at the foot of the Mountain, or at the summit (although you don't really "see" the summit in the old Gold/Silver/Crystal games).

But I think all the stages for Brawl have already been confirmed, so I guess our ideas are shot:(.

But hey, perhaps if Nintendo decides to release a Smash Bros 4 in the future, we can hope for some of these stages we came up with on this thread!:D

To change the topic slightly, but still on the Pokemon Brawl subject, the Pokemon Trainer character...perhaps instead of having alternate colors for his costume like all the other characters, maybe Pokemon Trainer's three Pokemon change from the Kanto starters to the Johto starters to the Hoenn Starters and then the Sinnoh Starters (although Piplup is already a Pokeball character).

Here's how it could go:
Kanto Starters ~ Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard
Johto Starters ~ Totodile, Bayleef, Typhlosion
Hoenn Starters ~ Mudkip, Sceptile, Combusken
Sinnoh Starters ~ Empoleon, Monferno, Turtwig
*Since Piplup is already a Pokeball character, maybe they can substitute Prinplup or Empoleon!
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GigaRidley said:
^ I like your idea, but replace combusken with baziken, it's much cooler :nod:

Thanks GigaRidley, how about this:

Instead of Totodile, Bayleef, and Typhlosion, it could be:
Feraligatr, Chikorita, and Quilava

And for Hoenn:
Blaziken, Grovyle, and Mudkip

Oh and I forgot to say what their Special Moves would be!

Quilava: Side Special = Flame Wheel
Up Special = Eruption
Standard Special = Ember
Feraligatr: Side Special = Slash
Up Special = Surf
Standard = Bite
Chikorita: Side = Take Down
Up = Vine Whip
Standard = Razor Leaf

Mudkip: Side = Mud Bomb
Up = Whirlpool
Standard = Water Gun
Grovyle: Side = Leaf Blade
Up = Vine Whip
Standard = Pound
Blaziken: Side = Blaze Kick
Up = Sky Uppercut
Standard = Fire Punch

Empoleon: Side = Drill Peck
Up = Hydro Cannon
Standard = Bubblebeam
Monferno: Side = Close Combat
Up = Flare Blitz
Standard = Fury Swipes
Turtwig: Side = Crunch
Up = Leech Seed
Standard = Razor Leaf
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  • #99
Jeff25 said:
Speaking of stages in Brawl, I think a good stage from the Johto region could be Mt. Silver...eaither at the foot of the Mountain, or at the summit (although you don't really "see" the summit in the old Gold/Silver/Crystal games).

But I think all the stages for Brawl have already been confirmed, so I guess our ideas are shot:(.

But hey, perhaps if Nintendo decides to release a Smash Bros 4 in the future, we can hope for some of these stages we came up with on this thread!:D

To change the topic slightly, but still on the Pokemon Brawl subject, the Pokemon Trainer character...perhaps instead of having alternate colors for his costume like all the other characters, maybe Pokemon Trainer's three Pokemon change from the Kanto starters to the Johto starters to the Hoenn Starters and then the Sinnoh Starters (although Piplup is already a Pokeball character).

Here's how it could go:
Kanto Starters ~ Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard
Johto Starters ~ Totodile, Bayleef, Typhlosion
Hoenn Starters ~ Mudkip, Sceptile, Combusken
Sinnoh Starters ~ Empoleon, Monferno, Turtwig
*Since Piplup is already a Pokeball character, maybe they can substitute Prinplup or Empoleon!
No,they arnt....there are 41 Stages total..........
Heres some SECRET ones.....
Luigis Mansion,Mario v.s. DK,Mario Bros,and Big Blue

And good ideas Jeff!!!

Edit:But heres the Promlem:He would have LOTS of Special Moves,and Charazard is the Only Starter that can Fly.......

I bet Poke Stadiom 1 will Return since they have the Second one,wait,heres the Pokemon Characters in Brawl:
Pokemon Trainer
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Nick Atack said:
No,they arnt....there are 41 Stages total..........
Heres some SECRET ones.....
Luigis Mansion,Mario v.s. DK,Mario Bros,and Big Blue

And good ideas Jeff!!!

Edit:But heres the Promlem:He would have LOTS of Special Moves,and Charazard is the Only Starter that can Fly.......

I bet Poke Stadiom 1 will Return since they have the Second one,wait,heres the Pokemon Characters in Brawl:
Pokemon Trainer

Oh yeah I forgot:p, I must've forgot to mention that what I posted before was from word-of-mouth:p...

Even if our ideas don't pull trough in Brawl, we can always use the Stage Builder feature of Brawl and create our own Pokemon stage:p, or something similar!
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  • #101
New Info!!!!!
Spear Piller is a Stage in SSBB!!!!

In the Poke Stadium 2 Air Stage,Hoppit,Drifloon,and Skarmory appear.......
In the Electric Stage Electravire and Magnizone Appear
In the Ice one,Snorunt and Snover appear
And in the Ground Stage,Dugrio and Cubone appear
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GigaRidley said:
It would be cool if
on the mt. coronet spear pillar stage palkia and dialga appeared in the background.

Oh Yeah GigaRidley, that'd be pretty sweet:cool:!

Palkia & Dialga can battle in the background for a bit then every now and then Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf float above them to calm them down from battling eachother:p
Palkia and Dialga can shoot beams of energy at eachother and occasionally, the beams sweep across the battle field that the Brawl players are playing on!
^ My god, that would be awesome!
On a side note, Jeff25: I'm really sorry I haven't been able to post my pokemon drawings in your thread yet; I haven't had time! I will try to post them this weekend! Plus, I drew pics of other 5th gen pokemon I came up with, so you can look forward to that too!
GigaRidley said:
^ My god, that would be awesome!
On a side note, Jeff25: I'm really sorry I haven't been able to post my pokemon drawings in your thread yet; I haven't had time! I will try to post them this weekend! Plus, I drew pics of other 5th gen pokemon I came up with, so you can look forward to that too!

Right on man, don't worry though, there's no rush, take your time with it. The more rushed ya are trying to draw them and post them on the thread, the pictures wont be at their best...im sure they still be wicked though:thumbsup:!

We should get on eachothers Networks here on Wiichat! Just a thought.

I'm giving up on trying to put my drawings on the thread...I need some kinda software or something on my computer to do that kinda **** and I just dont have the time for it. I wish I could though...they are excellent drawings and I know alotta ppl woulda thought they'd be great for new starters...too bad though no one will ever see'em:(.

Maybe if I write Nintendo a letter or an Email with all my ideas for new starters for a 5th gen. and they use my ideas, that'd be the only way everyone would see my creations:p...I think I might do that too! Contact Nintendo with my ideas!
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