Pokemon in Super Smash Bros Brawl

massi4h said:
Yeah it is such a random move, but in SSB if you were right by your opponent (and I mean bloody close) it would blow them away and make the ching noise of the homerun bat (which is also made by Luigi's Up+B and Ness's Fsmash, but I don't know why Falcon didn't have a move like that although Falcon Punch was pretty strong). The move woulda been cooler if it regained HP (well lowered the percentage).

Wow awesome. I've tried doing that against level 9 CPU bots and omg is it hard (stock battle of course) and I don't pick Jigglypuff.
But recently I've been dabbing into competitive SSB and Jigglypuff is in the middle tier and Samus is in the bottom who was always my second best lol. But yeah I always thought Samus was really cool. And I've seem some really good Jigglypuff players as well.

I thought too that the % should be reduced... it's what is rest for...
Nick Atack said:
Yeah,Mew is a good character.Hes all cute and tough. Mewtwo would be a good boss.I dont like the Pokemon show or Movies through....just the games and cards....and the stripes would look wierd...but good idea.
Lugia would be cool to play as but hes to big.....mabye with an action replay you could use him? Another good playable Pokemon is Lucario and Mew.And Blazekien.And why is the usless Pokemon that comes out of a Poke Ball Goldean? Not Magikarp? I mean,Goldean can fight,Magikarp cant at all!! I think Goldeen hides a secret.....
yer me and my friend on melee used to go to great bay and get lots of poke balls until we got a golden and tryed to get it in the water to see wat happend but nothing did happen:yikes:
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Bad News:Mew is not a Playable Character....
Good News:He comes out of a Poke Ball in SSBB and gives you a present!
Why does Mew appear in a bubble? It might be from a Pokemon Movie I saw(I dont like the series or movies anymore,but I like the Games and Cards)where Mew battles Mewtwo while bouncing around by a Pink Bubble. Thats how I thougt of his possible Final Smash.
South Park said:
Ditto, so you can transform into the other person.
i think that would get old fast unless you were playing with more then 1 person tho i like the idea.

i dont want to see too many pokemon in this game. they could have a game like this that could simply revolve around pokemon so it would be just too easy for them to take this game over as well with items, playable chars, bosses, maps ect.
i herd celibi pops up in SSBM is that true i played that game so god dam much and i only ever see mew now and again?
toomstone said:
i herd celibi pops up in SSBM is that true i played that game so god dam much and i only ever see mew now and again?
Yes its true.Theres a 1 in 841 chance of getting it.Or around those odds.It only gives you a point bonus for after the match.
TJgamer said:
in melee rest is a very powerful move, but you need to be very close to land it. It will explode on the opponent if it connects,

On the subspace mode pit is with mario, kirby with peach or zelda, link with yoshi dk with diddy..... so who is pikachu with? Im thinking samus, and maybe they come across diddy and fox and can fight against rayquaza along side them.Just thinking that cause i hope i can defeat rayquaza as pikachu.god dang it i doubled clicked on the post reply button and it posted it twice T.T ....sorry.
incorert at the start of adventure mode theres a fight be tween mario and kirby who ever wins gets blasted into the sky they go with pit who ever loses fights petty and they go with who ever they break out of the cage(i no all that off youtube)
Wouldnt it be a little fun if a pokemon that came out the pokeball liked moved around and fought like a regular player until you kill it? It might get a little annoying though.
ACTUALLY, according to recent rumors on the web, the pokemon characters in brawl are: Pikachu, Trainer, Lucario, and Plusle and Minun.
Although I doubt Plusle and Minun are going to be characters, Lucario seems like a pretty cool Mewtwo replacement. Im looking forward to the trainer, with his little pokemon buddies.
By the way, Mew and Deoxys are pokeball/assist trophies. It has already been announced.
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I know. Bonsly is kinda just a powerful Mr.Saturn. Really packs a Punch! And if Bonslys made of rock,what are those three green leaf things on his head?!
Bonsly is a Pre-Evolution of Suedowoodo.

Which is to say, it's a Rock type pokemon that LOOKS like a grass type.

I personally like it.
ah i never played past gold so that makes sense now=D... really 1 in 800 or so chance maybe i should just start a Pokeball dropping match and try to find it because i really really dont think i have ever seen it
Any of the classic originals would be nice (the first 150). I'd like to see Nidoking and Nidoqueen (lol they fight together), Dragonite....probably the 3 legendary birds aswell. The legends can be the bosses. =\

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