Please help on Guitar hero 3

WiiWouldLike2Play said:
Why would I brag about something that I really hate.
Lefty's have the worst handwritings... ): and I'm the
only one who's a lefty..
well sucks for you lol XP
Try going into the options menu and turning the band volume down. It helped me out alot. I was trying to strum with the rythym of the drums but the guitars werent going at the same speed. I had the same problem with the final Dragonforce song. I turned the band down and I was playing way better.
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no problems ,did that song ages ago :D
Just now finished the game on MEDIUM (so happy ^^) 100%
man that Raining Blood is a real pain in the ass.
Guess next is hard where I have to learn to play with all 5 frets... damn that won't be easy.
that song is one of the on medium right now and cant get 5 stars on it, im stuck on 4 :mad5:

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