Guitar Hero III Tips and Songs


Jul 22, 2007
In photoshop!
Wii Online Code
There are a couple of songs I suggest playing for new Hard players...

When You Were Young...
Bulls on Parade...
Some of the most fun songs I suggest playing:
My Name is Jonas (TIP: On Hard in the beginning, you only need to strum first note and press the note frets until the double notes.)
Suck My Kiss (One of the easiest and most fun!)
Don't Hold back (BONUS)
3's and 7's
Generation Rock (BONUS)
Prayer of the Refugee (BONUS)
Ruby (BONUS)
Cult of Personality (Sweet Solo)
Through the Fire and Flames (Holy ****!)
On notes that seem to be "shinier" or brighter you only need to press the fret buttons down, but it seems you need get a combo started by strumming at least one note before only pressing the fret buttons.
^^TIP^^ If you are a beginner don't focus on this, and if there are many strummed notes with only one hammer-on or pull-off don't try to do it unless you are experienced.

In battles if you get Double Notes, or Difficulty Up, use it right before your opponents notes come on the screen.

Try going from Easy-Medium/Medium-Hard/Hard-Expert/Expert-Hyperspeed/ Hyperspeed(1-5) the harder it gets the more fun it is...
I hope I helped some beginners on Guitar Hero III!
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one of my favorite hard songs is cult of personality, because you can do almost the entire solo with only a few strums

Number of the beast and cliffs of dover are fun on expert too
Um..thanks? Didn't know people didn't know this, as they can watch the tutorial.

Cult of Personality is still my favorite solo.
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Yeah, MANY people don't watch the tut. :lol:
All of those songs I have gold starred from Easy-Hard
Besides Through the Fire and Flames of course!!!
i just wish my hands would realize that you don't have to strum when you can just hammer off and pull on lol, i'll mess everything up because i try to strum once i've already started the notes
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wiimankris said:
i just wish my hands would realize that you don't have to strum when you can just hammer off and pull on lol, i'll mess everything up because i try to strum once i've already started the notes
Well, don't try to use hammer ons and pull-offs too much, sometimes when there is just one note inbetween a million it messes you up. When there aren't too many strummed notes and there are at least 3 notes where you can hammer-on, or pull-off, it is good to do it then. I have always used hammer-ons and pull-offs so it comes naturally to me. When I play real guitar hammer-ons and pull-offs are really fun! :p

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