Hi guys, i have been checking search after search, some have said they have resolved the problem but i'm yet to see the true results.
I have borrowed a wii off my mum in order to see if its workable on a big screen, its 100" + corner to corner.
Now if i play wii sports etc, its pretty alright, it picks up what i wana do, swing etc.. my major issue is with the 100% target issue..
I bought myself house of the dead : overkill.. now it does work, but its acting "Cockeyed" if i point into the middle of the screen the target if off to the right and above.. basically, not where i am targeting.
I am interested in making a custom IR reciever.
I was wondering, do i make and place these IR LEDs mid height ...on each side or do i make 4 and pop em' in each corner???
I tried the sensor bar (its the wifi one by the way) under the image and above. Its OBVIOUSLY not designed to work on such a large image.
how do i resolve this? please help : qrus@hotmail.co.uk
I have borrowed a wii off my mum in order to see if its workable on a big screen, its 100" + corner to corner.
Now if i play wii sports etc, its pretty alright, it picks up what i wana do, swing etc.. my major issue is with the 100% target issue..
I bought myself house of the dead : overkill.. now it does work, but its acting "Cockeyed" if i point into the middle of the screen the target if off to the right and above.. basically, not where i am targeting.
I am interested in making a custom IR reciever.
I was wondering, do i make and place these IR LEDs mid height ...on each side or do i make 4 and pop em' in each corner???
I tried the sensor bar (its the wifi one by the way) under the image and above. Its OBVIOUSLY not designed to work on such a large image.
how do i resolve this? please help : qrus@hotmail.co.uk