Playing wii on 100"+ projected image


WiiChat Member
Nov 2, 2009
Hi guys, i have been checking search after search, some have said they have resolved the problem but i'm yet to see the true results.

I have borrowed a wii off my mum in order to see if its workable on a big screen, its 100" + corner to corner.

Now if i play wii sports etc, its pretty alright, it picks up what i wana do, swing etc.. my major issue is with the 100% target issue..

I bought myself house of the dead : overkill.. now it does work, but its acting "Cockeyed" if i point into the middle of the screen the target if off to the right and above.. basically, not where i am targeting.

I am interested in making a custom IR reciever.

I was wondering, do i make and place these IR LEDs mid height ...on each side or do i make 4 and pop em' in each corner???

I tried the sensor bar (its the wifi one by the way) under the image and above. Its OBVIOUSLY not designed to work on such a large image.

how do i resolve this? please help :
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its a sony projector. goes up to 150", but i don't wana go blind nor have the room space to max the res.. lol..

any ideas with my problem.. I thought someone was going to help! :frown5:
Don't play on such a huge tv? I play on a 57 inch, and it's just perfect. Playing on your tv would prolly give me a headache.
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yes, that would be the solution!

If you knew me, you'd know i love projects. (not that p[laying a wii is a project)

Last night my girlfriend helped me crack it..

I centered the image, everything was central.. the wii sensor was in the middle of the image.. stood back as far as possible.. wallah!!

it was savage, killing 6foot tall zombies!!

the crack for it is a smaller sensor bar!! i was thinking of getting a bike LED, and modding it to light up IR leds!


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