wii sensor replacement?


WiiChat Member
Jan 31, 2010
It's my first time using wii and I have an led tv that's really thin and thus I can't place the sensor bar on top of the tv as it won't stick.
So I have placed the bar below the tv screen on top of the tv stand but I find myself having to aim the remote below the tv screen directly at the bar to make it work so it's kind of awkward.

I want to be able to aim the remote to the tv screen while playing and not at the sensor bar.

Would a wireless sensor resolve this issue? Even with wireless sensor bar, I won't be able to place it on top of my tv though as it won't fit.
Or would a tall sensor stand be better?
Did you change your wii sensor bar placement?
From the menu, click the little Wii circle (lower left), then Wii Settings. Click the arrow or press the +. There's a Sensor Bar option. If you click on that, there's a Sensor Bar Position option. From there, if the option selected says Above TV, you need to change it to Below TV and click the Confirm button.

If that's not the problem, I don't know what is.
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I checked and it was already set to below tv.
I still need to aim towards the sensor bar as if I aim at the screen, it's out of range.

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