Pit of 100 Trials

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  • #31
I made it to floor 95 I think of the Flopside version and DIED! ugh...it took soo long too. Flipside I didn't find hard at all..but the Flopside one compared to it is way hard! I used all the items I brought in, and had to survive on whatever I could get from the enemies. Tonight maybe I'll try again:nonod:
I had to leave flopside in the level 70th I was beeping (6hp) and nothing else reaming. The guy that sells stuff was there, but he had only a shroom shake and a Live mushroom. I have 4 super objects (the ones that cures 90hp) and the one that cures 1 by 1 and gives invincibility. Tomorrow I will return. I also could made it up to level 30 without curing myself.
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  • #33
Well my third try in Flopside and I only made it to around the 55th floor!:sad: :sad: I try to conserve my heal items but then get hit...I am so stupid.
How much live do you have? I have 80. Today I will do the flopside again, but just for training purposes because I won't have time to try the entire pit. However, tomorrow I do not have too much work, so I will try again the entire pit (this is an advantage being self employed :D)

islandvic said:
Well my third try in Flopside and I only made it to around the 55th floor!:sad: :sad: I try to conserve my heal items but then get hit...I am so stupid.

You must be risky to accomplish the pit, but don't be too risky. You never know what is going to happen. If you are going to start the 50s and you are critical or in danger... man, do not risk and leave. I had to leave in the 70th floor (after opening the chest) I hate it... but I would die for sure in the 70s. At least I got training and several coins (you can't have more than 999 coins)

Keep your heal objects, I do it too... I use them only if I am critical, but never go down 10hp, as there are foes that inflict 8hp (I wonder how much can deal that giant elephant, as the normal one deals 5... the dark one... at least is easy not getting hit)
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I had time and I tried.... I made it almost without items wondering that I was going to find the green guy. I did not see him at no time (and I arrived to the 70th) Why is this guy gone? The last time, when I left in the 70th floor, I met him several times, but not his time.

I was murdered on floor 73rd... I had the key but I saw a dark singing flower (it was shinning, like the golden one) and I hit it around 5 times (12 damage per time) I was wondering that if I take it, I could get a good healing item... I was going to jump on it by the 6th time... it sent a song, and killed me. It made me 24!!!! How crazy! (I had only 6hp anyway...) Darn... I increased 3 levels and got around 800 coins... everything to the waste... It is my darn green guy on strike??? :ee5k:
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  • #36
I hate that flower thing! In one of the levels you have to kill it because it has the key. It took so long to do cause it kept running off and flipping to 2D and 3D. Yes, it does an insane amount of damage if it's notes hit you! But you get almost 10000 experience for killing the glowing dayzees.

As for the item guy..he just shows up randomly. My second time through he was on almost every chest floor. Then the last he only showed up 2 or 3 times I think. Usually he doesn't have anything I need anyways:prrr:

I hate the feeling of lost time when I die trying to finish this damn pit lol.
Yeah... darn item guy.... I could make he earn 500-800 coins (depending on what he had) and I could beat the damn pit. Tomorrow I try again. I have 3 of those items that gives 90hp and 2 syrups that make you invincible + increases your life points 1 by 1

How many hits needs the damn dayzee? I have 2 catch card SP so I will bring them too, if I could catch it... (I don't think so haha)

The ninjas drive me nuts! Even with peach it is hard. Mario is good for normal monsters, high defense monsters. Bowser for the ones that make headbuts, the huge monsters or the ones that are spiked. And peach for hammer bros, fireball bros, ninjas, wizards (damn I hate them, I got relaxed one moment and they hit me around 5-6 times) and all monsters throwing bad stuff... Luigi... ejem... at least for me... is useless in the pit... In the entire game... he is useful just for hight vertical maps, because:
The large horizontal jumps... with Mario and the pixi that you get from the flipside pit, after running he jumps a lot. Darn, I love that pixi
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Chicagoan said:
How many hits needs the damn dayzee? I have 2 catch card SP so I will bring them too, if I could catch it... (I don't think so haha)

catching them are pretty hard, i just used bowser, and kept holding down the button. i rarely get hit by its song.
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  • #39
Are you able use catch cards on the dark versions of monsters in the flopside pit?

Anyways I FINALLY beat the Flopside pit, and was told by a voice to DO IT AGAIN and once I got back to room 100 I would get something good. I can't believe this!:ee5k:

And I use your strategy with the characters also. I don't have Luigi yet though. I find Peach with the hammer and her shield is pretty great, and also Bowser to just power through some of the monsters, like the headbutters and boomerang bros and anything that basically is powerful and runs at you. Anyone make it to the floor with that circle in a huge box? What the hell is that:eek:
Yep. Even with the ordinaries Catch Card you can do it (dark koopa, dark goomba and so forth...) The dark guys are different monsters... I even caught (with an SP one) that stupid skullhead fish that flies and hits you. and you only deal 1hp to him... (appears in the 30s with Dark Boos and then in the 60s)

The circle one... yeah... it is in the 70s, I think that the next room is where you can find the golden dayzee that murdered me (but not the one with the key) I don't know what hell it is... I just was scared because I was critical... and I used per first time the pixi that is round with spikes to send him back his attack.

To do it again? Nothing else? No price?
Well, don't say, just say me. It is the boss very hard???
It scares me a lot... The one on flipside... I had only 18 HP and a small monster took me 10hp... Thanks god that the Dragon did not touch me... I don't know how much it can deal... but a lot for sure...

Let's see how I find more breads because I will spend the 3 ones in the first time of the flopside... (those ones that you get from a blue monster just hitting his head. The bread does: 30HP heal +3000 points) to cook it and get the one ingredient that I need to make the 90hp cure one (sorry, I'm lazy to turn the wii on and browse for the names :p)

That blue thing is gone... I hope it is hidden in the stage... because if it left 4 always... darn)

Luigi is useless... don't worry haha. I have the door to Court's Castle... but I even not entered yet (I want to finish the flopside pit -twice then- and then I will kick his butt)
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islandvic said:
Anyways I FINALLY beat the Flopside pit, and was told by a voice to DO IT AGAIN and once I got back to room 100 I would get something good. I can't believe this!:ee5k:
I don't have Luigi yet though.

then how did you make it up to hit the switch in flipside? anyways,
you get some awesome cards when you do it the second time. fans of the series will like them a lot.

I didn't notice my health was at 10 and then I got hit by something and it brought it down to 5 and then as soon as I got hit, I got hit again and died. I really really was so mad.
Can you repeat flipside for more cards? Are the chest closed again?

I was wondering, how can you open a looked house in flopside
Chicagoan said:
I was wondering, how can you open a looked house in flopside
first, go to flopside and talk to merlee over the table (she will only let you do this after chap 7). she will tell you to go to merluvlee in flipside. talk to her over the table. go to flipside tower and to chap 1-1. go to the guy who taught you to flip. then go back to the tower and to 1-2. go to yold town and find watchitt. he wants an autograph. now to 1-4. replay the entire chapter until you get to the star block. stand underneath it for awhile, then when she appears, just listen and she'll sign it. then give that to watchitt, go back to the flip guy, and then to merluvlee with the crystal ball. she'll give you the key and a free charm.
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  • #45
I finally did it! I beat the flopside pit for the second time. Luckily for me at the end I had that shield box item, since I had no health items left...I was able to beat the boss fairly easily! So I am all done with those pits now. Well I didn't have luigi when I went to the flipside pit, so I managed somehow...you have to go into 3d with mario and flip in another area to get to the blue switch.

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