Phone help (texts)...

Eat The Rich

WiiChat Member
Dec 7, 2006
Wii Online Code
...Ok so since sometime yesterday my texts haven't been getting through to a certain number. I can receive texts from them but they don't get mine - it's really starting to wind me up now, anyone got any idea what's up? I'm on 02 and they're on Orange. I can call the number fine and receive calls from it. Also, my texts are working fine for other numbers as far as I know

What model phone is it?

I had this problem with my Nokia N70 a few months back... In the end i found a code online that formatted the phone and it's worked fine since.

Edit: Sorry guess i sorta mis-read your post, in my case i was able to send but couldnt receive anything.
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It's a Sony Ericsson W810i. It's weird cause I don't have this problem with sending/receiving to anyone else

Worth ringing 02 or you reckon they'll be useless?

Cheers for the quick reply :)

EDIT (RE: your edit) - yeah I can send/receive to anyone else and receive from her but when I send them to her they dont get through
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