broken phone!?!?!


wii owner
May 26, 2006
Wii Online Code
hi, i have purchased a brand new w810i phone, i have been using it and its fine, but then when ever i listen to music its all crackly, its fine through headphones but without its terribly crackly

is there a way to fix it?

if i need to return it i bought it from orange website, can i return it to an orange shop?
Try turning it down a bit
Or it might just be the loud speaker try takein a call throw it and see how it sounds
First thing to do with any cell phone that is having problems is take out the battery for five minutes, then put it back in, and start it up again. (Make sure it is not on the charger.)
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nah, but thx for your help anyway ppl im sending off for a new 1 2moz

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