text messages,email address on wii


The Hero Of Time
Nov 22, 2006
Puerto Rico
Wii Online Code
how can i set up my email account? i also read i can send text messages to cel phones.
Link_ said:
how can i set up my email account? i also read i can send text messages to cel phones.
Your Wii email is wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@wii.com all the x's that where ur Friend Code goes. Txt messages it all depends on the carrier ur trying to send to I know VZW is (ten digit #)@vtext.com and it will go to their phone. Im not sure about Sprint, Cingular, T-mobile, ATT, Nextel, Bell, Alliant, US Cellular, Cricket or all those carriers out there.
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but i just type that or ill have to register somewhere else?
Link_ said:
but i just type that or ill have to register somewhere else?
Thats it, then just use your Wii to check your email.
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allrigth,hey i have adedd you to my wii contacts by the way,thanks im triying that now ill keep you posted.
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cant find where to chek or put my email settings on the wii
Your message center is your inbox. You will only be able (so far) to check your @wii.com email that was described above. To send email to your wii enter your non Wii email address into your address book. This will send you a confirm email. As soon as you reply you will be able to send messages back and forth from your email to your Wii and back. You can't (so far) send images from the wii to an email address. I have not tried sending pics to the wii from my email or cell yet.

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i tried that,but i have not recieved a email to confirm.
I got mine in about a minute. My light was blue for a couple nights it was AWESOME.lol
Omie said:
I got mine in about a minute. My light was blue for a couple nights it was AWESOME.lol

you sir are very lucky! i wonder what server nintendo uses for all this?
Omie said:
I got mine in about a minute. My light was blue for a couple nights it was AWESOME.lol

Well now that I have my email address setup in my Wii if I send it a message then it gets there in about a minute. Are you saying the first verification message that was sent to your email got thier that fast, or your reply did?

bobby1211 said:
Well now that I have my email address setup in my Wii if I send it a message then it gets there in about a minute. Are you saying the first verification message that was sent to your email got thier that fast, or your reply did?

It was both. Well a little over a minute. But it was there almost instantly.

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