Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney. Anyone have Japan version?


nkbswe5. RLY!
Jun 27, 2006
Not in America
Wii Online Code
I want to buy Pheonix Wright Ace Attorney 1, but play-asia has sold out of the US Stock and only have japan left. I heard that the Japanese game has full english too, can anyone veryfy its all grammatically correct and stuff
Or do I shout objection in japanese?


The Jap game is in Japanse
Try ebay to get it cheap
I'm sure the Jap version has full english in it as well, try googling, I'm certain that other people have bought that Japanese version without any problems :)
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Hmm...Googling it made me come up with about 50000 pages about the second game but I managed to get this
Pheonix Wright 1 Japanese version doesn't have English option
Pheonix Wright 2 Japanese version does have an english option.

Anyone know any good online game shops other than Play-Asia as they have sold out?

As you can see here the secound PR game is just port of the gba game and as such it has no ds stuff (like shouting into the mic)

So im gonna wait for it to go cheaper im not paying over the odds for a gba game
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Thanks Samuel, I need my credit card to arrive in the mail before they sell out again!|

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