Ace Attorney Announced For WiiWare

Wii News

Wii News Blog
Oct 10, 2009

Ace Attorney Announced For WiiWare-1.052009-11-19 19:00:04Maura SCapcom has today announced that three classic Ace Attorney™ games are due for release via WiiWare™ in early 2010, starting with the game that kicked off the whole series, Phoenix Wright™: Ace Attorney™ (Episodes 1 through 4). That release will then be followed by Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All and Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations.

The Ace Attorney games are hugely popular in both Japan and the West, with the franchise selling over 3.7 million units worldwide. This will be the first time an Ace Attorney game has appeared on a home console. Fans will get the chance to play as defence attorney Phoenix Wright as he weaves his way through the maze of the justice system. You will get to collect evidence, listen to testimonies and face up to hidden corruption, all in the pursuit of justice and the truth. The storyline of the first game in the series, which is due for release on WiiWare in early 2010, sees Phoenix Wright defending his childhood friend Larry Butz, who is facing a murder rap. Fans will eventually be able to download the bonus episode featured in the original Nintendo DS™ version of the game.

The second game in the series, Justice For All, will be released digitally in Spring 2010, as the action resumes with a much more experienced Phoenix now having five court victories to celebrate. However, he faces his biggest challenge so far when ruthless new D.A. Franziska von Karma muscles her way into town bent on extracting revenge against him.

The third game, Trials and Tribulations, will be available for download some time in 2010. In it, Phoenix faces off against the mysterious prosecutor Godot, who has no intention of letting Phoenix stand in the way of his plans.

A bloody remake of the first DS game this is

Needs new cases

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