Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trails and Tribulation announced


Jul 29, 2006
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Capcom of America has recently announced that they will be publishing Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trails and Tribulation (aka Gyakuten Saiban 3) at their Capcom gamers day. Here is this official press release from Capcom
Capcom America said:
The Next Chapter of Legal Drama to Begin in North America this Fall

SAN MATEO, Calif — April 13, 2007 — Capcom®, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced Phoenix Wright™: Ace Attorney™ Trials and Tribulations for Nintendo DS™. The third installment in the popular courtroom battle series from Japan features the completion of Phoenix Wright’s story, as players explore both the past and present of the idiosyncratic lawyer. Capcom plans to release Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations in North America in September 2007.

“Ace Attorney has developed an avid, devoted fan base in both Japan and North America,” said Jack Symon, director, brand marketing, Capcom Entertainment. “Trials and Tribulations is being brought to North America due to the strong demand from fans for another epic courtroom battle.”

In Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations players star as a defense attorney, who must prove a seemingly guilty client’s innocence no matter how dire the circumstances may seem. Phoenix will face the toughest prosecutor yet as the mysterious hard-boiled “Godot” will try to take him down at any cost. The complete story of Phoenix Wright comes together as truths are revealed in twisting storylines and intriguing gameplay. Players must collect evidence, survey crime scenes, weed through inconsistent testimonies, and overcome corrupt agendas to ensure that justice prevails. With the return of the popular “pysche-lock” interrogation tool from the previous title, Phoenix Wright™: Ace Attorney™ Justice for All, players will have to overcome even more intense courtroom standoffs in order to close the case.

Here is the first trailer of the this game

and because this guy is to cool to miss out I had to post him it is Godot he is main prosecutor for Trials and Tribulation

Oh yes that is a sexy visor
w00t!! i cant wait. i just got the first one and LOVE it. im on the 3rd day of the 3rd case so far. ITS SO ADDICTING! thankyou for this info!
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  • #5
You can get the manga from here they have some fan translated stuff too. Go into media then official art or something along that and the manga should be there
how many cases are on the first game? according to that site, the 3rd game is already out in japan (or will be released soon)
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  • #7
Ok the second game has 4 cases originally the first did to but the 5th one is an exclusive for the DS. the third game has been out in Japan for awhile although only on the GameBoy Advance, I think you may be talking about the fourth which has just been released in Japan. This series features all new characters Phoenix does return but as a hobo.
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  • #9
Ah ha hahaaa check out these Phoenix Wright papercraft people

I just made the Phoenix one looks nothing like that but hey. Phoenix, Maya and Edgeworth can be found here (scroll down to the botttom)
Damn I had that link but cant find it

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