people need to accept that red steel sucks

WTF?!? red steel doens't suck it's just, at the moment there isn't a multiplayer option online. Juste wait and you will see!
This is officially my last post on this forum. This forum is full of dumb kids that have no idea what theyre talking about. Try playing a game before you critique it. You are giving bad information to people who may want to play it. Also, video game critics need to go. Who cares about what some jaded "gamer" thinks? It's about having fun, that's it.
Amen. Critics are humans too, they have opinions, and it is solely their own opinion. If you like a game, it really doesnt matter what others (professional reviewers or not) think, aslong as you enjoy it and think it was worth your hard earned cash.
I personally enjoy Red Steel, and am used to the controls now, but I can see its shortcomings, however I am willing to dismiss them, as this is a launch title, and with 4 players the multiplayer is actually pretty enjoyable, I like all 4 levels and with 3 mates can be pretty fun and furious. (BTW, 4 player mode rocks, you each get an individual mission through your wii-motes speaker, which is pretty sweet).
But on the other hand RedSteel is a pretty short game, in 3days I have completed 40% of the game. But I have already found myself replaying some of the earlier 'missions' just to see how fast I can blast my way through them.
Also if you are used to FPS such as Battlefield 2, you probably wont be bothere by the fact that the levels pretty much dont contain 'real' missions.
I don't think anyone who has not played this game thinks it good. All of the videos of the sword fighting and gun shooting was kick ass. When I got my wii on November 19 I was so excited. I bought red steel and now I really regret getting paying 50 bucks for it.
I own it and I play, and I think its good... to an extent, its not perfect and I'd personally give it a 7, it pretty much loses 3 because the gamestyle is so repetitive, the graphics, I think, could still be better AND the swordfights just seem too tacked on. But I'm still enjoying playing through it and going back to some of the older levels. Once again, each to their own opinion, just dont judge it b4 you play it.
I say red steel is awsome. I own it and i won it, the controls are great but do need time to get use to. It has an alright storyline but i dont realy care about the storyline so I LOVE IT!
Lets just all agree that some may like it and some won't and leave it at that and end this friggin thread.

From now on anyone who brought this FPS and hated it, I declare that any other FPS game you try, you rent before you buy.

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