people need to accept that red steel sucks

to COLDshiver: ya i meant pre-rendered movies. there is no excuse not to put them in the game with this being a new gen console and the gamecube had them. It would have added a lot more to the game by making it more enjoyable to watch.

"Play it with an open mind. Don't expect the same preciseness a mouse provides nor the movement and aiming of a 360 controller. It's a Wii, not a PC, not a 360, and definitely not a PS3."

so why bother with the wii mote if it's not going to be more acurate? I would rather play with something more acurate (making the game fun because things are able to be executed like they should) than having something NEW just for the sake of having something NEW. and as far as graphics go, I did see screenshots. and as soon as I saw those i thought "this game looks kinda crappy" i played it hoping it would be cool because i do like the fact that you use the wii mote to aim and i think that is a cool idea. but after playing it i was disapointed in how it turned out. Im not saying all wii game's will suck this bad but hopefully the developers learn from this crappy mistake.
To everyone who hates red steel: stop playing fps games. you suck at them. if it takes you more than 2 minutes to get the hang of red steel's controls, it means that either a) you have never played a pc fps before, which means you have never played a real fps, b) have no hand eye coordination whatsoever, or c) are blind. If you suffer from any of these conditions, they can be remedied by a) playing half life 2, b) going outside and interacting with real objects for awhile so the idea of moving things rather than hitting buttons starts to take hold, or c) quit gaming.
Lol... bumped again... Well, while it's at the top of the page:

Red Steel is very fun. I only got the Wii last night with RS Z:TP and WSports, all are great but Red Steel is definetely a good game.

All these people that are complaining about the game, it's fair ofcourse because everyone has an opinion, but I can't get why people don't like it. The controls seem to work pretty darn good for me (okay the turning is a little akward at first, I've only played for 20 mins and am getting the hang of it), the swordfighting is fun, unique but still 'moderated' to make things easier to grasp.

I found it a bit difficult to shoot enemies without having to use A button to focus (mainly cause I suck at FPS, shmeh) but am also getting the hang of that... Those who are unsatisfied with the game, IMO, have one of three problems:

1. Expectations for the game were far too high (we were lucky because we saw all the nega-comments about the game before it came out here)
2. Sitting too close to the sensor bar, or your position in correlation to the sensor bar tends to throw off the signal somehow.
3. Very impatient, rushed into RS without trying WiiSports, or gave up on RS after not even a minute of gameplay.

You don't even need to be that good at FPS to get started on Red Steel, just... slightly adept at gaming in general.
sweeney said:
honestly. no. But i do not believe that reviews that are bad are bad because of baised editors. i already know that loads of people will have a go at me and say"dont judge it until youv tried it". But ok, play it yourself let me know if its a great game. let me ask you this--- have you EVER played a game that got a really bad review and it has been a really good game??

I think it's pretty sad that you're led and dictated by what other people think and say, media or otherwise. Use your own brain and make your own decisions and you might just find there's alot more out there than what other people's opinions lead you to believe. Also to bag a game out that you haven't even played destroys any bit of credibility you had, that's if you had any at all to begin with .
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Threads like these degrade the quality of fine forums such as this one. Good job to the thread starter.
Not exactly storm. He knows a lot of people don't like the game now. So therefore instead of buying it on launch, he can see it as a better idea to rent it out first.

If we were talking about the game reviews for Zelda, you'd not have said what you just said. ;)
dude, although the graphics were sorta choppy, the gameplay was pretty awesome. The aiming is freakin sweet. the sword fighting could use a little work, but the gameplay overall was an A++

the story line was sort of wack. but I found it chalenging enough to keep me entertained. the multiplayer is pretty lacking though.

i would give it an 8. Zelda though....that gets an 11 in my book!
BlightedArt said:
Not exactly storm. He knows a lot of people don't like the game now. So therefore instead of buying it on launch, he can see it as a better idea to rent it out first.

If we were talking about the game reviews for Zelda, you'd not have said what you just said. ;)

I couldn't care less if he brought it at launch or not, that's totally his choice and that's not the point i'm making which i thought was pretty obvious. If he doesn't like the game then fair enough, but how the hell can he form his OWN opinion on it and know the game sucks when he hasn't even played it? You can't as it's just not possible.

Thanks for telling me what i would and wouldn't say BA but as with sweeney, you have no idea.
Don't be so touchy. =/

I was talking about how you're saying it's a bad thing that he's getting a certain mindset on a game simply by reading reviews and responses other people have made. When in fact that's one of the best ways to get an opinion on a game if you're not actually able to play it yourself at that time... I thought THAT was pretty obvious too...
So just because some people say it sucks is that the be all and end all of it? What about the other half that loved the game? The bottom line is that you can't form you OWN opinion on something whether it be a game, movie or whatever if you never played or watched it. You can listen to other people by all means but that's not your opinion that's theirs. I've got no problem at all people hating any game if they've played it and didn't like it. That's what they thought and it's entirely up to them. I'm talking about the ones that bag a game yet haven't played it like the thread starter.

The best way to get an opinion on a game and the only way is to play it yourself. Until then don't comment because you can't comment. I don't know if it's good or bad so i have no opinion on it just yet but I picked it up this morning regardless of what i've read about it and i may not like it. But at least after that i can say i've played it and therefore makes me alot more qualified than someone who hasn't even laid eyes on it.
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I've had RED STEEL for 6hrs now, and I gotta tell you... the controls are pretty spot on. You have to keep the controller(s) is a fairly small 'box' or they can go a bit erratic on screen. But I find turning a breeze, eg. if you want to turn right, you simply aim to the extreme right, and strafe to the left, EASY! Its as fast as any other shooter ive experienced. My only issue is that the missions and the overall design of the game is very repetitive. *run through corridors, get into big room to fight 20men, have a sword fight, get into the next elevator, start next 'mission' *
The aiming is pretty good and very fun. Its not a dumb firt person shooter where you run around shooting things as fast as you can. This one builds more drama, and you get immersed into the game very easily. It's easily the best FPS for the Wii, but thats not saying much yet. Its a good game to own in much the same way that Goldeneye was a good game to own. I'm defending this game and I havent even done multi-player battles, which I'm sure will be fun. Keyword here is "fun"!! Isnt that what it's all about?!? Wiitards!
Dark agrees with every one
Its horrible
I'm left handed so my left is my sword hand and it forces me to use my right to fight
Parrying is treble (wha with two swords)
Movement ditto

First Wii game to be taken back
sweeney said:
don't get mad just because a game you thought would be great is actually not that good. the game didn't look all that great anyway. the wii still has better launch titles than the ps3 and you have to remember lauch titles are usually expected to suck anyway. Dont worry there will be plenty of great titles in the future including great fps's(metroid?)
I empathise with some of what you , some players love the game while others hate it .
It seems to boil down to what individuals are looking for at the time , & personal tastes and preferences .
"Every body loves parfait."
wrong I've been playing it for the Wii and it's awesome!!!

I don't think you know how to play it that's all....

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