Overseas Wii


WiiChat Member
Jan 1, 2007
hi, i'm new to the forums, but i have a question about the Wii. my parents boss has offered to get me a Wii (obviously i have to pay for it ) when he goes over to america within the next two weeks, my concern is..will it work in the uk? you know with all the compatability and stuff? any comments be much apprciated :)
I believe so. When I got my Wii there was a very nice couple from the UK behind me who said everything should be compatible and asked inside the store to make sure and they were told that it should work fine.

EDIT: And this was at the NWS so I would assume those guys know what they are talking about.
i was quite sure that the Wii is not compatible with USA/UK/Japan. But i duno,,, might wana wait till more poeple o here answer, or google it.
Most of the time systems are made for games that are released in that country. You might want to call Nintendo and ask them about.
It will work but you wont be able to play pal games on it. Pal is the region code UK uses and USA uses a different code (cant remember it right now). So if you buy the american wii you will only be able to play games from amercian.

So basically you will have to import all your games and any games bought from the UK wont work
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fair enough, i'll just pre order one from here and shall have to wait lol :), was only going to get it from over there because would of gotten it quicker :lol: ah well thanks to all anyway

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