Buying a Wii in Singapore...?


WiiChat Member
Jun 4, 2007
So on my way home from Europe to Brisbane Australia and im spending a few nights in Singapore and my flatmate's wanted me to looking into buying a Wii so ive got a couple questions about it...

Firstly im guessing there isnt going to be a huge price difference, the basic wii packages are going for around 400 AUD at home and i was wondering its worth buying overseas ( anyone quote a price, i couldn't Google any ) ?

And Secondly would the console be compatible with Aussie Wii games as i dont think i can afford many if i buy it overseas?

Cheers, Andrew :wink:

Ps: sorry if i posted this in the wrong forum, oh and my spelling and grammar suck
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No, the games are region locked. Unlike DS games, Wii games can only be played if they are purchased in the same region from which the wii was purchased in.

Basically, if you bought a wii in singapore, your australian wii games would not play on it.

Hope that helped. =)
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Ah thanks for that, guess ill just grab one at home, maybe through duty free...
I bought my Nintendo Wii package from Sim Lim square, don't buy yours at Cyber Maestro 02-77, they really tried to scam me and the service was poor. After I had paid and had to wait for a while, when I went looking around they had changed my controllers to the cheap copy ones and charged me extra for the real ones. The store at the 1st floor seemed good though!

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