Outrageous Points Per Kill


WiiChat Member
Apr 26, 2011
I was playing Black Box tonight with some people I have never seen before and my first kill netted me a ridiculous number of points and so did everyone else. At first, I thought it was just a glitch but after the game was over I had gotten something like 30K points. A few players came and went and the huge point totals continued until the host quit. I ended up leveling up 3 levels in about 3 games. Everyone - no matter who came in - was getting the huge scores.

Anyone know about this hack or glitch, whichever it may be?
its a hack from the host. now everytime someone looks at your stats theyre gonna think your a hacker. i had it happen one time and i quit mid match.
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its a hack from the host. now everytime someone looks at your stats theyre gonna think your a hacker. i had it happen one time and i quit mid match.

I did some research on it last night - found out a lot about it. I don't think anyone will think I'm a hacker. I worked my way to level 41 on my own and got from near 42 to 44 in a couple of weird games. So, not much of a jump, over all. It sure did surprise the hell out of me, though and I am glad I know the details of what happened now.
personally if i play a guy over lvl 40 and havent seen too much of him, il check the standings and see if he has XP that doesnt end in a 5 or 0. if i dont know them i assume they hack and i will never play with them. but if i know that were in a hacked game and didnt know that thats a lil different.
for you guys that don't want your XP tainted by these games you should quit right away if you find yourself in one because some of these hosts who hack games have hacks that let them end the game at the click of a button. so yeah if you try to show up that host by dominating them then planning to quit mid-game, then you're risking a lot.

But you know there was a guy on gamespot a while back offering to host hacked games where you get 1XP per kill for people like you that would want to get their XP back to a multiple of 5.
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I'll have to check my XP - I hadn't thought of the number and never check what other players have. In fact, before I came to the forum I had no real notion of the hacking that goes on. Only then did I even take notice as to certain players having certain guns, etc. Now, I do.

What's funny is that I am a computer tech and know all sorts of hacks for software for the PC but never really gave any thought to hacking a console and I was really disappointed to find out that I can't really back up my games without some sort of hacking BS. They (Nintendo) really ought to figure a way for us to back up our video games without some sort of hack.
Unfortunately this is becoming the downfall of GE. Not that it isn't fun or whatever but it just is annoying to us that play legit. I had a good time and motivation to look at the boards for xp rankings and for eliminations rankings and now that is in shambles. that part of the game is ruined. I too say that if you stay knowingly you are just as bad as the hacker. In your case you say you were confused on what was going on and never heard of it then idk maybe that's ok....but you still stayed in knowing you were cheating the system so maybe not.
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Unfortunately this is becoming the downfall of GE. Not that it isn't fun or whatever but it just is annoying to us that play legit. I had a good time and motivation to look at the boards for xp rankings and for eliminations rankings and now that is in shambles. that part of the game is ruined. I too say that if you stay knowingly you are just as bad as the hacker. In your case you say you were confused on what was going on and never heard of it then idk maybe that's ok....but you still stayed in knowing you were cheating the system so maybe not.
There are degrees to everything. Knowing a hacker is doing his thing and sticking around to make gain is definitely not cool. On the other hand, knowing something odd is happening and not being sure what is another. Regardless, I was completely stunned at what was happening and not quite sure what to do. So, I stuck around. It was a mistake - but a legitimate mistake and not an intentional attempt to pad my score and level up. I was near to level 42 when it happened and that was all from sweat and tears.

As for the fun factor - it hasn't changed for me whether there are hackers out there. The last time I played a shooter was Perfect Dark with one other friend. So, as long as I see enough players out there really playing in the spirit of competition I am having fun - even if I do swear a lot.
edit: sorry, for some reason when I read this I didnt see an replies so I replied and turns out others already answered the question
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This might be older person's POV, but why does everyone run away from hacked games? Who cares? It's just a game. Say a level 5 levels up to a level 50 in 2 hours, he/she will still play with the skill of a level 5. If you suspect a hack, consider it a challenge to show this person how a real higher level plays. It's just like a lower level picking up an Ivana off the ground-they still suck, and maybe get a couple kills out of it, before their screen runs red.
That's one of this game's major design flaws, in my opinion, is how loooong it takes to level up online play level. I've been playing since Christmas, (13 1/2 days of play time, level 54) and enjoy casual play but leveling up takes to long. If you want a real 'ranking', just look at the eliminations ranks, it's still pretty real on showing where you sit in the scheme of things. Have fun, don't take it too seriously!

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