Our Reliance On Technology


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
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Nowadays technology of many kinds is being used more and more.
Computers for talking to people etc.

Down the road in however many years this technology and other technology surely will advance.

Do you think though, that with our reliance on technology that we will lose and forget to do many things that we normally did a few years back. Like with us using computers, do you think that with more and more people messaging each other over the computer and how easy it is, will talking become second nature? We are bound to get shy, or not know how to talk to people and if this trend continues we may see people in however many years have less stronger of jaw bones because of us not talking as much.

Maybe that last bit is a bit much, but it could happen.
So how do you feel about us using technology now, and do you feel if we continue to do so will we start seeing physical changes in humans?
we use it WAY WAY WAY to much. And we take advantage of it. More and more things make people go on computers that its addicting. People sit on the computer all day which is just one reason why kids these days are so obese.

hmmm i don't think it's going to get that drastic, but i could see people being a bit less talkative

i mean families will probably still live in the same house, people will still probably go to school of some sort....
You must diffine tecnology ?
Wheels are a form of tecnology
As are weapons of any discription
Yea i do believe people use technology to much. And i believe it is making people lazy and like you said forgeting how to interact with other person face to face...take in schools for example when i was in high school 8 yrs ago, kids were so used to talkin on aol or aim or watever they had, that when they typed a report they would type the sameway. Using shortcuts such as "btw" and even "lol". So i do believe it is goin to hurt us somewhere...also a lot of people in the business world dont even like to talk on phones anymore, i have so many text messages comin in sometimes its crazy, people sending me figures all the time, so it effects everyone.
But on the other hand it is goin to help us A LOT, making life easier. But then again is that a good thing?
Wow, Brandon, an actual thread from you that you havent taken from another website. ;)

Technology naturally progresses, and while there are people who stay online all day like myself, there's way more people going out and drinking, hoorah! I think that that will be more likely to outnumber the population becoming antisocial.

There's things that people miss out on online, touch, really. There's nothing that anyone can do to see interaction like that through technology, actually seeing the person there to see body language and such, I don't think people would want to deny themselves of their senses.

It's just like grammar has gone downhill now, no matter how much you pound it into their heads, they will never see, and I think you can't even communicate well with text talk online, you don't get the right emphasis and people aren't robotic with their speech. I think people come on MSN now because it's cheaper than a phone, and they'll eventually go out.

You can't stop people interacting with eachother.

The main reason I come online is because I seek out good friends, and I'm not much of a talker outside, I hate talking to people, adults especially. There's only a couple of people out there who I can have a conversation with that can last hours, I'm not here because of technology, I'm here for the people.

Naturally though, I'm not going to be able to understand a couple of things along the line that my kids will, I can't even work my bloody printer without throwing myself at it with anger. I still sometimes flick through all of the channels instead of using the TV guide, some things are just outdated that we expect to lose, but nothing's better than that person being with you.

Damn, I want pancakes.
Barbz911 said:
People sit on the computer all day which is just one reason why kids these days are so obese.

hey, don't go blaming technology, i'm fat because i eat too much. :lol:

Though i am working on that.

And i'm pretty proud to say that i myself, rely very little on technology of any kind. The only reason i'm on here is because i'm at work. The only time i really use the computer is at work. I play video games for maybe 1 hour a day max, a lot of times i don't play at all. barely watch television.
The only technology i really wouldn't be able to live without is my fridge for my beer, and my coffee maker. haha

Calvin and Hobbes say it well:


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