OLED- TV technology of the future


WiiChat Member
Aug 5, 2006
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OLED= Organic Light-Emitting Diodes

This technology is currently in prototype TV wise. Essentially its characteristics that define it from the norm of plasma and LCD is that it creates its own light, meaning it does not need a backlight like plasma tv's do. Which as a result increases its contrast ratio 100 fold from the best of LCD displays commercially available. It can be easily viewed from all angles and in bright sunlight, with greatly improved picture quality.


Another remarkable feature is its thickness, the display itself can be as thin as 3mm, paper thin to be more spefic. This brings brand new areas for TV production. TV"s can be part of your clothing, a wall decoration, a page in your book, as scroll, or essentially a TV itself (and a high picture quality one that is). People may think this is more fragile than a snowflake, however that is not the case. Protected by sturdy plastic, it can literally be bent to a 40* angle and yet produce a vibrant image. It can be viewed from all angles and has a framerate response of 0.01ms (1000 times faster than a normal plasma TV).

However there are certain drawbacks, the most notable is its lifespan. So far in prototypes lasting a mere 5,000 hours (or 20,000 in PHOLEDs), lower than plasma tv's. And moisture can damage the organic display which may lead manufactures in sealing, leading to less flexibility and longevity.

You may be thinking, 'my god, this will take a HUGE chunk out of my bank account!'. However this is not the case, they are cheap. Cheaper than LCD displays of iits size, as manufacturing costs are not that expensive. Keep an eye out for this technology in 2009, when its predictively available to the general market.

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LCD's use a backlight not plasma.
What about SED tv? SED is like flat crt + LCD without the pixel delay and half the power of a Plasma
this sounds great, espeacially the thinness, whch means it can be put on many things....interesting.
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OLEDs emit their own light, therefore they have a far less power consumption rate than a normal plasma tv. Good considerations for the green future need to be thought!

EDIT: i heard the new apple mac's will use this technology for their diplays, however not so large and there may be many flaws as the technology hasn't fully matured yet.
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Depends on what kind of Big TV's you like. Currently OLED displays are 1.5 times the cost of an LCD TV its size. This is why companies stick to the phones/mp3 players for OLED displays. HOWEVER, it is predicted that the price will decrease alot when the technology and its production matures

EDIT: and for you wiired, no $10,000 is not alot to me (/sarcasm)
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If anyone is curious about the flexibility here is a demonstration of the world's first flexible, full-color OLED display (developed by SONY).


The 2.5-inch prototype display supports 16.8 million colors at a 120 x 160 pixel resolution, is 0.3 mm thick and weighs 1.5 grams.
Diomedes said:
If anyone is curious about the flexibility here is a demonstration of the world's first flexible, full-color OLED display (developed by SONY).


The 2.5-inch prototype display supports 16.8 million colors at a 120 x 160 pixel resolution, is 0.3 mm thick and weighs 1.5 grams.
Wowwwww. I actually really want one lol. I bet it's gonna be a good 10 years til they're released in UK, then longer til I can afford one :D
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Strangely that post reminds me of this guy playing his wii on a 1.5 INCH display tv.


EDIT: I have never said the technology is new, I'm announcing fresh news of its recent technological advances. Heck, OLED was used in digital watches AGES ago. I can easily predict that your mp3 display screen (if its good and has some colour) would be an OLED display.

We are just saying, in the future (lets say 10-15 years) when this technology is at its prime and cheap, people may choose this option when switching TV's. And i do totally understand the current situation with only a small population switching to HD display while the technology is still 'new' and expensive.
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Not the future of TV. The future of TV is a technology that is similar to CRT but with many small "tubes" arranged like a plasma.

You get the best black levels, contrast, viewing angle and colors of all three current technology!

My mp3 player has an OLED screen. The target of OLED is handheld devices.

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