Other Than Nintendo Who Makes The Best Wii Games?

pro gamer said:
Why do you like aliens so much?

It's not that I like aliens, there just interesting, I like any good conspiracys.

I like #2 aswell.
all i cared about #1, and i was going to say Capcom, and it was already there for #1, so awesome!
square is adissapointing me right now kuz i am still waiting for crystal bearers, EA has made me pleased with MOHH2 and ubisoft is always a good company. and i lost my trust in sega after sonic and the secret rings.
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AGHHHHHHHHH MONSTER HUNTER AND OKAMI!!!! (even thought i already have okami for ps2) Seriously, they are creating games too fast.

I want from this list

- destroy all humans
-monster hunter (if good)
-crystal chronicles
-call of duty 5
-star wars
-tales of symphonia

wayy too much games :(

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