Drawn to life comin to Wii


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code

In its conference call with investors to discuss THQ's holiday quarter sales, THQ president Brian Farrell has said that its 5th Cell developed DS platformer Drawn To Life is being prepped for a Wii release.

The platformer, which allows users to draw many elements in the universe, including its hero, weapons, monsters and platforms, was released for the DS in September of 2007.

Though the company has not released hard sales figures, simply adding in the call that the game has sold "several hundred thousand units worldwide," it did say that over its past three fiscal quarters its DS sales have risen 94 percent, primarily driven by Drawn To Life.

No further information was given at the time, with Farrell saying simply that it was pleased with the performance of the franchise, and intended "to extend the brand to the Wii in the future," along with several other new Wii exclusive titles it intends to announce in coming weeks.
Possably a game that the wiimote is made for ?
Possably a game that cant be done well on any other HOME console
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tbh I thought it was pretty crap for the DS. And I do think it was made more for DS than Wii. Much easier to use a stylus than a Wiimote to draw with. Plus in the game itself you are rather limited to what you can draw, or how you draw things... i.e. shapes of platforms etc are already outlined, you just fill them in however you want.. so no real creativity.
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emtee23 said:
tbh I thought it was pretty crap for the DS. And I do think it was made more for DS than Wii. Much easier to use a stylus than a Wiimote to draw with. Plus in the game itself you are rather limited to what you can draw, or how you draw things... i.e. shapes of platforms etc are already outlined, you just fill them in however you want.. so no real creativity.

You cant deiny that its a good seller
Like Nintendo need help sellin wiis
I was reading about this Yesterday.
I think it would work well on the Wii for sure, haven't played the DS version though.
FFS, can we get new games, and not PSP/DS ports?

Oh and FYI, I can almost guarantee the DS version of this game (which I have) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wii version. The game isn't the greatest to begin with on the DS, but the one thing that made it entertaining - the touchscreen stylus - is being removed... lovely.

Drawing with a mouse-style interface (Wiimote), will get frustrating for most people. There's a reason why most people that do any sort of drawing on the computer use a tablet... seriously. And again, that's what made this game fun, the drawing. The platforming was average at best.

I'm exactly with that guy above. Even though sales may be good, the game itself is crap. Nintendo should stop doing DS ports and get some more original games out.
emtee23 said:

I'm exactly with that guy above. Even though sales may be good, the game itself is crap. Nintendo should stop doing DS ports and get some more original games out.

It's not nintendo doing it, its THQ, and honestly if something sells well it can only help. You gotta realize alot of games coming out are not geared toward gamers, if you aren't going to buy every game that comes out that is perfectly fine as long as other people are buying them.

Any thoughts on blastworks: build, fuse, destroy? The video I saw makes it seem like it has a lot of potential, think mii's but a billion times more powerful.

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