Opinions on 3rd party titles...


WiiChat Member
Oct 10, 2007
Hey, just joined a few minutes ago and this is my first post. Anyways, I was just wondering; Do you think the reason why lots of 3rd party titles such as Stranglehold for only the 360 and PS3 arn't coming to the
Wii is because they have little faith in the Wii's success, or do they not want to take the time and port the game over to the Wii's motion sensitive control scheme?

I think it's a pinch of both, but I just wanted to know what you guys thought. Thanks.
I think the reason why some games aren't being developed on wii is due to the fact of the surprise of the wii's popularity. Alot of people weren't expecting the wii to be near the success it is, so they began developing on the PS3 or 360. Now, a lot of developers are jumping over to the wii because of it's success.

The reason why we aren't seeing ports come from the PS3 or 360 is because a lot of engines that run those games can't be run on the wii. So, that's why the wii is getting a lot of PS2/PSP ports early on its life. Right now though, 2008 could seriously be the year for wii. (And, I'll say PS3)
yeah, 3rd party developers are really just cashing on the sudden success of the wii, and they are doing it the quickest they can (porting ps2). I think we'll be getting more 3rd party games that actually try to use the wii to its full potential...and we are getting more announcements of games that could be very beautiful...ie. monster hunter 3

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