wii60 owners - wii or 360 for 3rd party games


WiiChat Member
Aug 11, 2007
Some 3rd party games are coming out on both the wii and the 360, so wii gamers (haha no pun intended) that also own 360s will have to decide whether to get the games with better graphics and high resolution polish on the xbox, or go with standard definition, but a more immersive control scheme on the wii.

A good example is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I'm currently deciding whether to buy/rent this game for the wii or 360. Do I want to see the castle with more detail, or do I want to use my wii remote like a wand (how stupid does that sound when you think about it, lol)?

Would you be more inclined to buy multi-platform games for your wii or your 360? Opinions please.
i would get it for wii it would look bad when people compare games and see that i have harry potter on it lol
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deadlydasher said:
i would get it for wii it would look bad when people compare games and see that i have harry potter on it lol

lmao damn achievements
oh well on the other hand people can make fun of you for flailing a "wand" at your tv... :D
It's not a matter of graphics for me. It's gameplay.

Xbox 360:
-Madden 08

-Tiger Woods 08

They work better on those respective systems, and are more fun to me. But I don't have TW08, it was just an example. The only game I plan on buying that isn't exclusive is one i've already bough (Madden). Everything is as follows:

-Madden 08 (360)
-Halo 3 (360)
-SSBB (Wii)
-Mario Galaxy (Wii)
-Metroid Prime 3 :(Wii)

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